Why you can’t miss Missrepresentation: By Katie

‘My List’ on Netflix is full of Netflix originals murder mysteries and ‘Grace & Frankie’, a program I cannot recommend highly enough, by the way! One thing I didn’t know about Netflix was that they have a wide variety of documentaries about feminism and sexism, one intriguing one was ‘Miss Representation’. ‘Miss Representation’ strips down

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Guest Post: The middle space

Alexandra is many wonderful things, and being a member of the trans community is just one of them. She prepared a lovely speech which she was scheduled to deliver in her first public talk today. Unfortunately, her anxiety got in the way. We think what she wrote is important and heartfelt, and worth sharing. This

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A helpful Glossary of sexual terms and words to help you be sound.

LGBTQAI+ – It’s all in the plus 😊 As someone who works in the area of sexuality, I sometimes forget that all of the letters can look like a crazy confusing bowl of alphabetti spaghetti to someone who isn’t so familiar – and that’s OK! As terms evolve and people discover more ways to express

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Stuff I wish someone told me before starting college..

As my best friend graduates from Maynooth University today, I’m sitting thinking back on my own college experience. The transition from school to college is something we don’t prepare for, we are thrown in at the deep end and told to figure it out. My 3 years in Maynooth weren’t all bad, I made friends

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When exams don’t suit you? Try another way: By Alex

It’s fair to say the morning I received my leaving cert results was close to, if not, the worst day of my life. Along with the usual anxiety that everyone experiences that morning, my day got progressively worse once I opened the envelope to find that I had earned just 210 points. This was nowhere

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So you think Science is boring?

If there was ever a super-lady to be flying the flag for young scientists it is this one right here. Dr Claire Murray (Yes –  Doctor!) recently spoke at a Women in Research event that I was a part of and I have to say I was blown away! As a person who knows nothing

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Why we’ll all be reading ‘Ciara’s Diary’

‘If Maniac 2000 was the soundtrack to your teenage years, the hilarious Ciara’s Diary will take you back to those epic days!’ – Mark McCabe We are super, duper excited about this book. Ciara’s Diary is the page turning account of a young girl growing (and groaning) up in in Connemara at the turn of

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Staying safe: The basics.

New research carried out by the University of York and The Children’s Society has found that one in three girls is afraid of being followed by a stranger. The report shows that fear of crime is the biggest issue for 10-17 year olds, with the majority of girls naming stranger danger, and boys fearing physical assault.

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The More Women Campaign: By Katie

“Women for Election, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation whose vision is of an Ireland with balanced participation of women and men in political life.  Our mission is to inspire and equip women to succeed in politics. We do this by training women to enter public life, giving them practical skills and tools to help them navigate

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How to make friends at your new school

So you’re all set, oversized jumper  and fluffy pencil case at the ready. You’ve been waiting all summer for this moment. You push away your sobbing Ma at the gate and in you go. Lets do this. If you’re starting a new school this week it can be a little scary, learning new rules, meeting

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Letter to my 18 year old self: By Kat

Dear 18 Year Old Kat, Everything got better. You’ll discover many things in your final year of secondary school. You’ll drink for the first time, kiss people, go to house parties and spend Saturdays wandering around the city. You’ll also fight with people, and fail class tests and feel low, but I promise it get’s

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Guest Post: Depression is not a fashion statement

From Johnny Depp and Kurt Cobain to Emma Stone and Ellie Goudling, people are dealing with mental illnesses. Mental illness isn’t new, it didn’t develop last week and spread rapidly like the plague. It’s been there since the beginning of time people just weren’t allowed to say anything about it. Anxiety can affect anyone even

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Louise McSharry: ultimate girl crush

In case you don’t already know, DJ, author and all round legend Louise McSharry is the dream best friend you didn’t know you needed. If you follow her on Instagram, you already feel like you know her. You’ve seen her funny, confident and oh so glamourous but you’ve also seen her sweaty, sleep deprived and

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Katie McGloin: Teen Entrepreneur of the year

Enterprise ˈɛntəprʌɪz/ Noun 1. · a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one.   My experience with enterprise began in my first year of secondary school. When I arrived in Magh Éne College, we began ‘tasters’ of subjects that we had the option of undertaking as part of our Junior Certificate curriculum. I

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Guest Post: Know yourself, and be yourself x

The last time we met Abigail she was learning to deal with her mental health issues, and discovered that talking and being open about how she feels is the first step. We checked in with her again and she’s doing really well. Here’s her update x Putting myself first has always been hard for me

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6 Legends who failed at education but succeeded at life

“Never let schooling interfere with the tech startup you’re running out of your bedroom.” – Marie Curie Okay, fair enough, she never said that, but she may or may not have been thinking it. Its true though, when it comes to learning, and becoming your best self, formal education is not always the best way

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How to deal with death and other S**t: By Nic

There is no such thing as a guide on “How to deal with Death and life’s other s**t” but sometimes I really, really wish there was. There is no written set of rules, for everyone it’s different. Some people never talk about it, never deal with it and continue a life of pain and sorrow.

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