How to talk your way into a part time job

Summa is coming, and your parents pockets are only so deep so its time to find yourself a job. So how do you get a job when you have no experience? Tip 1: Don’t get your Mammy to go around the town handing out CV’s. Every time a Mammy hands in a CV it goes straight

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Squad Goals: Iris Apfel

If you want to start a gang of worlds most fabulous creatures, you should probably start by giving Iris Apfel a call. At age 94, Iris has been the unofficial queen of New York for over 60 years. You know why? Because she couldn’t give a damn what you or anyone else thinks. Iris is one of

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Why is “you love yourself” an insult?

When someone confronts us, or picks on us, our instinct is usually to either get upset and feel small, or to see red and retaliate. For example, one of the most common ‘insults’ I hear of is the age-old, go-to: How would you react to this? 1: Get upset and cry. This is exactly what the bully hopes

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Summer Reading

There are some really cool young adult books out at the moment. Have a look at some of our favourites below: The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson: David Piper has always been an outsider. His parents think he’s gay. The school bully thinks he’s a freak. Only his two best friends know the real

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Today I was lucky to get to speak with this lovely group of first years in the Presentation Convent Kilkenny. These girls were super smart and very understanding when we had a few technical issues!  I asked the girls for some suggestions on how we can make the programme even better and one girl had a great

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Welcome to reality

Australian teenager Essena O’Neill had over half a million followers on Instagram when she was 18. Her pictures showed her fabulous life, perfect body and amazing wardrobe, until one day she realised that her pics were contributing to the pressure teens feel to have the perfect, but unrealistic life.   Essena went back and re-captioned

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Hey you! Watch this video…

Good morning, Its Sunday morning, and you’re probably lying in bed wondering what to do with your day, your week, or your life.Before you decide, watch this video.

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16-Year-Old Girl Killed During a Fight in Her School’s Bathroom

“This is not only an unspeakable tragedy for her family, but also for the school, and the entire community.” On Thursday, a 16-year-old sophomore girl at Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington, Delaware, died after a fight with multiple other students in a school bathroom. “There was an altercation that initially started between two

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How far have women’s rights come?

62 million girls don’t have access to school Women make up up 70% of those living on less than $1 a day Childbirth is the 2nd leading cause of death of girls between the age of 15 and 19 Do you think these facts are from 1915 or 2015? You might be wrong…..

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Something to think about…

Photographer Meg Bitton has shared a photo of a transgender teen in response to controversial laws in the US that force members of the transgender community to use bathrooms that reflect the sex written on their birth certificates. Corey Maison was born male, but is currently undergoing transition with hormone therapy. In the photo, she is wearing makeup, has her golden

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More than mean…

This is hard to watch. Real men read real comments made online to sports reporters Sarah Spain and Julie Dicaro. You can see how uncomfortable they become as they realise the reality faced by some women who are just trying to do their jobs.  

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