A thorn between the roses: By Nic

As some of you may know this year I ran for the Cork Rose and it was an almighty experience. I usually never do these kind of things because they generally tend to make me uncomfortable. I love competition but not competing with women. I prefer women empowerment. My main issue is that I am

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How exercise heals my mind: By Ash

I love exercise. I genuinely do. Now don’t get me wrong it requires energy, motivation and willpower which I’ll be honest, I lack. But I still love exercise. Anytime I do some sort of exercise I feel great after it. All the studies show that it releases great endorphins and makes you feel good and

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Sinead Burke came to slay!

Sinéad Burke aka Minnie Melange is awesome. We know this. At 3ft5, this PhD student, author and social media goddess can command any room she enters. A massive fashionista, she works very hard to highlight the fact that the fashion industry needs to become more inclusive. Sinéad believes in the power of education to create

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How about a little bit of sex ed?

You can learn how to do anything on Youtube; play guitar, change a tyre, create a spreadsheet. But did you know that if you follow the right people (Hard to find, lots of weirdos) you can get all the sex ed you need too? If you’re a girl, Hannah Witton is your friend. She will

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Dear Shannon: A Letter to Myself

Dear Shannon, You’re 16 and I’m writing to you to you to give you a heads up.  There is a rough few years ahead. Being different is nothing to be ashamed of, but unfortunately you will learn this the hard way. Soon you will be mocked, taunted, pushed, and shoved.  A feeling of dread hangs

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20 Questions with Blythe Baird

Recently, Megan wrote and article introducing us all to Blythe Baird,  a 20 year old actress, author and poet who speaks a lot about the reality of life for young women. This girl is totally relatable and her words tell all of our stories. Here she is reciting her poem “Pocket Sized Feminism” which was ranked the #1

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Guest Post: Things are never as they seem

Jaqueline Murphy shares her life on her blog www.jacquelinezeta.com. She writes about fashion and beauty, but her life is not all Instagram perfection. Jacqueline has had to learn how to take care of her mental health (read about it here), and her blog is honest and open. Here, she shares her thoughts on the side of

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Okay so you’re all dolled up to go out, you look pretty good. You take a few selfies, you’re happy with the 7th one. You post it, you get likes. The next morning you wake to see that you’ve been tagged in a few pics from the night before. You recoil in horror and get to

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The Stars share an important message

The Glamour Women of The Year Awards are all about celebrating women who excel in the areas of film, TV, fashion, beauty, music and sport. This year, they grabbed all the stars, and asked them to help spread an important message inspired by our favourite, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s book, “We Should All Be Feminists“. Nicole

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Using Art to express mental illness: By Aine Marry

“There’s a large problem where mental health is still stigmatised in Ireland. We need to open the conversation now to begin to resolve this problem within our country.” Aine Marry, an Art Student from Dublin, has used her talent to share her mental health challenges in a beautiful, thought provoking, witty and poignant way. Her

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The thing I’ve just Realised: By Nic

This week, Nicole has been taking part in the Cork heats of the Rose of Tralee contest. Pushing herself out of her comfort zone has pushed her levels of discomfort, and helped her to come to a realisation that she would like to share. You can read more about Nicole’s story here. To quote Eminem

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5 Ted Talks every Irish Girl Should Watch

Who is this TED and why is he always talking? TED is an internationally known organisation that shares short inspirational talks from the worlds most interesting, accomplished and energetic people on every simple topic known to man (and woman). You can hear from a guy who did experiments on a cockroaches leg, to the woman

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Be Addicted: By Ash

Ash is currently sitting her leaving cert, poor love. She wrote this piece a few weeks ago. Enjoy. Recently I discovered I am an addict. Whether it’s being addicted to smoking or routine I am an addict. I enjoy repetitiveness. It really only occurred to me recently after I saw the new trainspotting. No everyone

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My Anxious Heart

This is Katie Joy Crawford, a photographer from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Last year, for her final college project, Katie made a series of photos to capture her experience with anxiety and depression. The series is called My Anxious Heart, and Katie created each photo herself, using a remote camera. Katie said “It quickly became a cathartic experience

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My Bullying Story: By Tanya

The day I entered an all- girl secondary school I knew that trouble would lie ahead. For a whole year of my life I endured on going bullying from a group of girls that still to this day remain anonymous to me.  It was a time in my life that was dark and lonely, a

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“Why am I Not Good Enough” says all of us…

  Earlier this week, Olivia Vella, stunned her entire class with her end-of-year poem , in which she asked “Why am I not Good Enough”. That very question not only rings true for her classmates, but obviously for many of us as her video has been watched 20 million times in the last few days.

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Really Hollywood?

Hey Hollywood! What’s going on with this nonsense? All hell broke out in Cannes this week when this poster for “Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs” was launched, showing a slightly curvier “no longer beautiful” version of Snow White next to an anatomically impossible, completely unrealistic cartoon queen. If that doesn’t make you angry enough, take

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How I shake it off: By Ash

A lot of people think because I’ve written a blog I’ve been cured of my own mental health struggles and honestly that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m not cured I don’t even think there is a “cure” however, I’ve learned to manage and not let My Black Dog dictate my day. This morning

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