
“Women for Election, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation whose vision is of an Ireland with balanced participation of women and men in political life.  Our mission is to inspire and equip women to succeed in politics. We do this by training women to enter public life, giving them practical skills and tools to help them navigate a career in politics. We believe that for fairness and balance, we need to see #MoreWomen in politics.

In the last general election in Ireland, women’s representation in the Dáil increased from 16% to 22% – its highest ever. But this is still far from balanced.”

I first heard of #MoreWomen Campaign last May and I was immediately intrigued and delighted to be able to donate to a program that promotes the inclusivity of women in politics.

A very important role model & hero in my life is Minister For Children & Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone, the TD for Dublin South West. I have been an avid fan of hers since I was 14 when I first came across her due to her involvement in the Marriage Equality Campaign in 2015. Since then, I’ve read her books, followed her political journey and been lucky enough to meet her.

Image result for katherine zappone

I used to think politics and young people was a very odd thing. There are 15 cabinet ministers making huge decisions that will, good or bad, affect our futures but yet the vast majority look at current affairs as too boring for their daily lives.

But then I had a brainwave, I didn’t find politics particularly interesting until I heard of Katherine Zappone, I related to her beliefs, the dedication she has to topics such as: Feminism & Women’s Rights, The LGBT+ Community, Education in Under Privileged Areas, Improvement of Services for the Youth of Ireland. I was able to look up to a woman, who was & still is making one hell of a difference in the government.

Maybe young women struggle to find their ‘Katherine Zappone’ the same way I did because there is not near enough women in government to look up to.

That’s why I think the work Women For Election is doing is so important. We do not see enough women in government to be able to relate to one of them. The #MoreWomen Campaign is a fantastic initiative that could change the way we, as young women, view politics for the better. Politics is an integral part of our lives, and #MoreWomen should be involved in those live changing decisions.



Thanks for sharing this Katie. There are many ways you can start getting involved in politics and creating change in your world. Try running for your school student council, or look into your local government youth council (http://www.comhairlenanog.ie/). She who dares wins ladies!

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