You've Got This! by Tammy Darcy, founder of the Shona Project

Hey, I wrote a book… no really!! By Tammy

When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a writer. I loved books, and would devour them often in one sitting, Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton were my favourites. We used to travel from the South to the West of Ireland every summer to visit family, and we had a

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If You Watch One Video Today, Make It This One…

There are so many “guru’s” and “life coaches” and “motivational speakers” out there, and Youtube is overflowing with unoriginal platitudes about loving yourself and being happy in your own skin, yadayadayada. But every once in a while we find a video that really hits home, and when we do, we want to, of course, share

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Online School - The Shona Project

Making Online School Work – By Aoife

So… in case you’re out of the loop, we’re in Lockdown 3.0. Obviously, this isn’t ideal. Secondary and primary schools are closed until at least February, along with the few third level courses (like mine!) that hadn’t already been online since October. None of us want to be in this situation, but if it will

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Lessons We Have Learned From Social Media

We’ve been kind of feeling a bit out of touch with reality lately, anyone else? Who knew living through a global pandemic would be this confusing and chaotic? For almost a year now, our entire lives have moved online. And we thought we already spent too much time engrossed in social media. We don’t know

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Why Is Yoga Good For You? – By Fiona

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again. We have the most amazing group of ambassadors who have such an amazing range of talent. We even happen to have our very own Yogi, @missfiyoga .  So with lockdown 3.0 in full flow, we thought we would give yoga a go. We asked Fiona, “why

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Be Kind To Yourself Today, Here’s Why…

There is a cold reality when it comes to life. People are people, imperfect and flawed, and human in all the best possible ways. When it comes to friendships, you can do all the right things, and twist yourself into a thousand different versions of yourself, and still not be liked by everyone. You can

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Stigmatized – by Abigail McDonnell

As many of you may know, Abigail has been a Shona Ambassador since the very start. We’ve seen her grow as a person and also succeed in many ways she never thought was possible. She had a very rough couple of years with her mental health but has overcome a lot and made us so

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Ask Steph: What’s All This Journaling Business About?

  Steph has always praised all the advantages of journaling so we decided to ask her what all this journaling business is about?  In counselling school one of the first things our lecturer said to us was, “you’ll need to buy a journal and get writing”.  I was like, well if that’s the homework, I’ve

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Angelina Jolie Has Some Advice For Anyone Experiencing Abuse

We all know Angelina Jolie has always had a passion for raising awareness regarding social issues, especially through her work with the United Nations Human Rights Campaign. She’s currently promoting the UN’s 16 Days of Activism campaign “to prevent and end violence against women and girls,” and during an interview, she gave some advice for anyone who

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Supporting anxiety - The Shona Project

How To Support Someone With Anxiety

Emotions are running high across our little country right now. People are scared, worried, stressed, angry, and lonely. There’s chatter everywhere about what’s right and wrong, what should and shouldn’t be happening. Some of that chatter might be on the news, it might be in your school or college, it might be in your home,

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Perfect - The Shona Project

The One Word We Need To Cut From Our Vocab…

What’s your least favourite word? We’ve been talking about this and came up with the following… Moist…. Orifice…. Methinks….. Fab….. Smeg…… The C-word, (you know yourself). But if we had to choose one word to eradicate from the vocabulary of every teenage girl it would be this… We girls put ourselves under huge pressure to

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shaming - feature pic

10 Things Us Girls Need To Stop Shaming Each Other For

Us girls are divils for judging each other. Instead of embracing our differences, we constantly compete to be the prettiest, the smartest, the most popular, the most athletic, the skinniest. When we look in the mirror, we always look at our faults, and therefore, looking for faults in others makes us feel better about ourselves. This

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Anxiety in men - The Shona Project

Anxiety, CBT and Me: A Lads Point of View

This is an article very close to us here at The Shona Project. Anxiety is a real issue, even now more than ever. The brave chap, that is going to share his story with us, just happens to be our founder’s son. Have a read, we promise you won’t regret it. Your mind is an

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Things We Can and Can’t Control

Wanting to have the ability to predict and control the future is something we all try to hold on to. Sometimes, we just want to be able to control every single thing so we know what to expect. We also like to exist in the comfort zone. It’s so warm and cozy in there! But

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Understanding Eating Disorders - TSP

Understanding Eating Disorders Workshop

“Understanding Eating Disorders” A workshop hosted by Sarah Doyle & Steph Golds in association with The Shona Project   Eating disorders are complex issues that affect many people. They can be quite difficult to understand, both for the people who experience them, and the people who care about those who experience them. At this workshop

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It’s All About Perspective

Perspective is a funny thing. It’s crazy how everyone has a different view of the world around us. What we have found through growing up is that, if you think negative, you see the world in a bad light. Nothing goes right and everyone and anything is wrong. But, if you think positively, the world

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I Finally Understand Myself – by Izzy

Many of you may know Izzy. She is a talented and gorgeous young woman who we are so lucky to call a Shona ambassador. Well, she shared something with us recently and wrote this piece. She also wanted to share it with all of you. So, take it away Izzy…   I was diagnosed with

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Ireland's newest TikTok Challenge

Ireland’s Newest TikTok Challenge – Shine4Shona

  Have we got news for you! We think it’s about time that The Shona Project gets with the times, joins TikTok, and creates Ireland’s Newest TikTok Challenge, do you agree? We can’t let Jason Derulo and our very own ambassador, Ruth Codd have all the fun! To celebrate our new TikTok channel (you can

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