We celebrate women from all over the world

Those who succeed and those who overcome, those who lead and those who think, those who win and those who learn. We share our stories so that we don’t feel alone. We laugh, learn, try and cry together.

Who Is Shona?

Shona is Tammy Darcy’s – The Shona Project Founder – sister. Tammy has always mentioned that “no matter how hard I tried to catch up as a child, Shona always remained a solid 18 months older than me. In spite of this, we bonded over a shared love of rice pudding, fancy pages and erasers that smelt like strawberries”. 

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Here are some clips we found that inspire us and celebrate amazing women doing amazing things. Enjoy…

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I have a beautiful soul, a brilliant mind, and an open heart.

I acknowledge that I am an ever-growing and always-learning work in progress.

I own my flaws, but I will succeed in spite of, and maybe because of, my weaknesses. They do not define me.

I promise to lift up other girls, to have their backs, to appreciate & celebrate our differences and to encourage them to always be themselves.

I will always be myself.

I promise to be kind, not just to others, but also to myself.

I will use my voice in a positive way and be a positive influence in this world.

I am enough.


Please type your name above to be a part of our movement. Leave your email address and check the subscribe box too if you want us to send you updates from time to time on what we’re up to, but no pressure. Do you honey!

Please take the pledge and share it on Social Media with your loved ones using the hashtag #shonapledge. Spread the love ❤️

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Woman holding a sign that reads 'School Workshops for Girls, Boys, or Mixed'


Did you know that you as a teacher, you and your school can get involved with The Shona Project in many different ways?

  • WORKSHOPS: We offer two workshops The first of focused on influence, kindness and goal-setting (more here), and the second is focused on confidence, mindset and finding our voices (more here). To book a workshop please fill out this enquiry form.
  • SHINE FESTIVAL: each year, we bring together thousands of TY girls to hear from amazing role models and celebrate International Day of The Girl. Our online site has over 200 tailor-made pre-recorded videos, along with class discussion and journal prompts on topics such as women’s health, women in sports, careers, the arts, activism and much more. For more info and to watch the content, please head over to www.shinefestival.ie
  • AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME: Is there a senior cycle young woman in your school who has shown leadership, kindness or a passion for social issues? Why not nominate her to get involved in our Junior Ambassador Programme. Find out more here.
  • LESSON PLANS: A FREE resource for teachers that links our Digital Shine Festival with the Learning Outcomes (LOs) for Wellbeing. Access more info and the pack here.
  • BATHROOM ART:  We want to turn your school halls and bathrooms into a safe and positive space by providing a free stencil kit, which can be used by your students in whatever way they wish! All the details can be found here
  • SURVIVAL HANDBOOK: Each year, we distribute 35,000 FREE Handbooks to 1st year girls all over Ireland. Orders for Sept 2025 delivery will open in April, 2025, so keep your eyes peeled.
  • NEWSLETTER: To stay up to date with any new events or projects we are running and any other initiatives we love, why not sign up to our newsletter here
  • PODCAST: To learn more about the challenges faced by teenage girls, and how you can create a safe space to open up meaningful conversations with the young women in your lives, listen to our podcast here.
  • PARENTS’ PAGE: A special section on our website where we use our knowledge of young girls to help you, parents, guardians and other adults, better understand their world. Check it out here.
  • RESEARCH: We conducted some research with Thinkhouse PR and ISSU, asking girls across Ireland how they were doing really, and the research result were quite shocking. Have a read here


Our core workshop has been delivered in schools all over Ireland since October 2016. It is suitable for 1st to 6th year and is amended to suit the needs of your school…

Topics covered include:

  • The challenges we face as young women in Ireland today
  • How we approach and address these challenges
  • The people who influence us and shape us as people
  • How we treat ourselves and each other
  • Respecting and Encouraging difference and diversity
  • Setting goals and identifying how we can achieve them
  • Our place in the world and how we would like to be remembered


You can read an Irish Times feature on our workshops here.

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The Shona Project is a company limited by guarantee. Registered charity number: 20206722. Company registration number: 592520.