
Hello friends,

It’s a new year, a new start. We’re about to take down the Xmas decos, scrape the last few bountys from the selection boxes (underrated if you ask us) and are looking to the days ahead.

So what do you want for 2024? And how can you make it happen?

Have you made New Year’s resolutions? Betcha did. Gonna cut back on Social Media? Get 600 points in your exams? Loose half your body weight? Get into a relationship? Ditch the bad one? Go visit your Nan more often?

Let’s get real, making big, way-off plans for the new year never materialises, and when you give up, you will feel bad about yourself,  consider yourself a failure, and want to eat more cheesecake.

There’s only one long-term plan that you should make this year and it’s this.

I will take care of myself this year, talk about things that bother me, and ask for help if I need it.

If you do this one thing, all those other things will follow, because you will have the head-space to focus and take on new challenges. Let’s be clear, setting goals is very good for you and vitally important, but why not set yourself small daily challenges instead of big giant way off in the distance challenges?

This is an activity that we do at our workshops, picking goals and breaking them down into smaller steps. For example, if you want do well in your leaving cert, what can you do today? So, commit to doing a little study today, and you’ve made a start. If you miss a day, stop wasting energy beating yourself up and start again the next day.

Every day is a fresh start with zero mistakes and endless possibilities. Let’s get stuck in.

We’re all in this together. x

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The Shona Project is a company limited by guarantee. Registered charity number: 20206722. Company registration number: 592520.