Whats The Craic With…… Sex Education?

Lets just say it like it is. There’s not one of us on earth who doesn’t have any questions about sex. Even the word itself is usually whispered, giggled or spelled because we if we say the word out loud we’re pretty sure that the four horses of the apocolypse, or worse, our Granny, will

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Whats the craic with…… Teeny Pockets?

In this weeks ‘Whats the craic?’ Amber has launched a serious investigation into a question that has haunted us ladies for many a year.. where are all our damn pockets? We’ve all felt it – the exhilaration of sliding your hand into a jeans pocket and actually fitting your entire hand in there. It’s amazing

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Irish Girls Slay at European Championships 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Great news and lots to celebrate in Ireland as our girls brought the fire to the European Athletics Under 18 competition over the weekend, bringing a handful of medals home. Sarah Healy won golds in the girls 1500m and the 3000m, Rhasidat Adeleke secured gold in the 200m and Sophie O’Sullivan won silver in the

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Dove Say No to Photoshopping

You know those images you see of models scantily clad looking seductive and effortlessly flawless? Well, a lot of effort has likely been put into that “effortless” look…More than likely there has been some mouse clicking in the form of digital distortion. So what is digital distortion? Well, my friends, distortion is when you alter

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How To Support a Sick Friend: By Naoishe

You guys remember Naoishe right? She suffers from Chronic Fatigue syndromes which make it very difficult to do everyday things. You can read her previous story here. Today, she writes about how to be a good friend to a friend who has an illness, and ensure that they feel supported, loved and understood…. Being a

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Half of Irish Women Struggle to Afford Sanitary Products

Period poverty is an issue for many girls and women in Ireland, we knew this to be true, but we didn’t have exact figures to back it up. Until today. In a survey of 1,100 Irish girls aged 12-19, Plan International have highlighted just how big an issue this is for us. Half of the

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Working Girls: Tara Keveney Madden, 3-star Private Soldier

So you like to keep fit? You like the outdoors? Our next impressive lady in our “Making Ends Meet” series took it one step further and decided to join the army.   Meet Tara Keveney Madden …   My official title is … I am a 3 star Private Soldier in the Irish Defence Forces.

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Is Period Poverty Really a Thing in Ireland?

Every day, all across Ireland, people are struggling to make ends meet. “Period Poverty” is a huge issue for women and girls, who sometimes have to make a choice between buying a meal, or buying sanitary products. So many of us take these items for granted, but in the UK, 137,700 girls missed school in

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Jessie J’s new video celebrates all our heavenly bodies 👸

Has anyone noticed a huge change in women’s music over the last few years? Gone are the days where songs were featured broken hearted girls, or lost and lonely princesses waiting for their prince to arrive and rescue them. These days female music is all about empowering ourselves and each other, setting standards for ourselves,

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You Should really be dancing RN. Here’s why…

Whether its a beautifully controlled rendition of Swan Lake in front of an audience or a good old twerk to a bit of Nikki Minaj in your bedroom, there are so many reasons why Dance is good for you. You don’t have to be good at it to reap the benefits. You just have to

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How You Can Help Your Teen Nourish Their Body

Let’s be honest, there aren’t many of us who haven’t had a love/ hate relationship with our bodies. As women, we’re taught that the skinnier we become, the greater our worth. We feel guilty for eating cake and embarrassed to ask for a second helping. Our relationships with food and our weight are built on

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U2’s New Video Celebrates Dublin’s LGBT+ Youth

U2 are as much a part of Irish culture as St Patrick himself. They created anthems which saw us through our biggest challenges, the troubles in the North, equality, loss and so on. Over the past 42 years their songs have been anthems, and most of us grew up in homes with at least 3

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My War With OCD: Rebecca Ryan

Rebecca Ryan is smart, well spoken, capable and a published author at 16. She also has OCD which, in the past, has controlled her life, and prevented her from being able to deal with anything blue, the number 4 (or multiples of) and resulted in her climbing through her windows because of her fear of

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The Girl Who Made Periods Cute…

Nobody likes talking about periods. Period. They may not be fun, but they’re for sure nothing to be ashamed of. And the more we talk about them, the more empowered we are to deal with issues such as menstruation. Californian artist, Annie Wong wanted to shift the stigma and turn periods into something positive, and

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ICYMI: Guest Post: On Insecurities

This post was originally shared in 2016, just as Rachel was about to turn 18. As she looked back on her teenage years, she thought about the insecurities she struggled with and wrote this beautiful essay for us: I can still remember the moment it happened. The moment insecurities became a feature in my life.

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Jameela Jamil Wants To Know What You Weigh??

If you watch “The Good Place” on Netflix, you will already be familiar withe the be-oootiful and talented Jameela Jamil. The English actress, presenter and model has just launched a unique Instagram account called “I Weigh” after a post she shared on her personal account last month was applauded by pretty much everyone who saw

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On Ugly Girls

Ugly girls are a bit like unicorns and the troll that lives under your bed in that they only exist in our minds. Do you only take pics on Snapchat because you are horrified at the thought of sharing an unfiltered selfie? Do you think all of your friends are way prettier than you? Are

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