Sinead Kane…. Wow…. Just Wow…

So what are you up to this weekend? Here at Shona, we plan to have a nice lie in, watch some Netflix (okay, a lot of Netflix) and maybe go for a bit of an oul stroll if the rain holds off. On Saturday, Sinead Kane will be preparing to run a Marathon in the Antarctic. That’s

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Are you being bullied? Heres what we want you to know.

Yesterday we shared a post by a girl who realised as a woman that she had bullied another girl in school to the brink of suicide. This seemed to strike a cord, and we received a few messages from girls who were going through a really hard time and wanted to tell us about it. If you

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I was the school bully, and had no idea.

We came across this story on and thought we would share it because so many of us can identify with it. There’s a bit of a bully in all of us, although its a label nobody wants. I hated school, I never felt like I belonged, and I had no idea where I fit

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You’ll never guess what this Irish woman is doing right now..

We Irish girls need to see female role models in all aspects of life, business, arts, sport, politics, society, and science. This we know for sure. And we’re working on that. But answer me this, did you ever, in your wildest dreams think that in your lifetime you’d see a red headed Irish woman in

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A letter to the first guy to break my heart: My Dad

Family stuff happens, and sometimes it hurts. This young lady wrote this letter that she will never send to her Dad, but wanted to get how she felt off her chest. Writing stuff down is a great way to get your head around how you feel, and sometimes helps a little. Dad, I have so

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9-year-old trans girl makes history with National Geographic cover

We devoted our entire January 2017 Special Issue to an exploration of gender—get it now on iOS: #GenderRevolution — National Geographic (@NatGeo) December 16, 2016 This is 9-year-old Avery Jackson,  a beautiful young lady who has shared the story of her transition with us on youtube. Appearing on this months National Geographic, she says, “The best

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Edwina Kelly: Not your average make up artist!!

Edwina Kelly has been a professional make-up artist for the last 18 years; working in Film, TV and Commercials. A specialist in prosthetic’s and special effects make up, her credits include Ripper Street, Penny Dreadful and making Mario Rosenstock look like Miriam O’Callaghan. How did she get such a cool job? Lets ask her… Growing up in the

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Herstory Illuminates: This is just the coolest…

If you haven’t come across Herstory yet, you need to check it out. Led by the fabulous Melanie Lynch, they aim to “tell the multi-faceted, lost, forgotten and untold life stories of Irish women from history and today; to capture their individual characters, achievements, and the patriarchal dogma they challenged.” You can read some of the amazing

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New year, New you? Nah, the old one just needs tweaking..

So 2016 was good for some, bad for others. Whatever way you look at it, it was an eventful year, and one that will bring big changes for 2017. But what about you? Have you made new years resolutions? Betcha did. Gonna cut back on Social Media? Get 600 points in your exams? Loose half

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Girlfest pictures and Video

We had such a good time at Girlfest, talking about everything; likes, selfies, goals, friends, challenges and amazing people. Thanks to everyone who came and took part. Click below to see some of the pictures.

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Guest Post: Be yourself, everyone else is Taken! by Sophie Kane

Sophie Kane is a very promising young writer who has written for the National Women’s Council and the Journal amongst others. Here, she writes about how when you be yourself, yourself can be anything! Thanks Sophie. x In Ireland today we face so many obstacles, a homeless crisis, a woman’s right to her reproductive health ,

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We need to talk about this meme…

One of the very first posts that we published on was a piece naming Lizzie Velasquez our inspirational person of the day. Lizzie was born with Marfan Syndrome, which means that her body can’t store fat. She is also a very successful motivational speaker and author who speaks out about bullying and social media trolls.

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How to Cope with Frenemies

Here’s the thing. Us girls spend many years changing and growing, moving from one group to another and identifying more with some at different stages because we like to hang out with those who are similar to us. Our personalities change over time, and we will go through phases where our friendships are just plain

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Women on Walls, how awesome is this?

The Royal Irish Academy is an organisation for the most brilliant academics.  It was founded in 1785 and is as gloriously fancy as its sounds. Walking through the august halls, Michelle Cullen and Eithne Harley from Accenture noticed that the portrait lined walls featured not one woman, and decided to do something about it. They

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10 Questions with Zoe Ashe Browne, Ballerina

So many of us girls dreamed of growing up to be a ballerina when we were tiny. For many of us, it wasn’t even about the dancing, it was purely the tutu. Little did we know that ballerina’s at the top of their game live the lives of athletes, making huge sacrifices, often far from their

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