Youth Mental Health in Ireland: How are we doing?

As young people, we seem to be struggling with our mental health at the moment. So many of us are battling anxiety, stress, depression, lack of self-confidence or disordered eating. Schools feel like they are full of tension, with many of us operating in survival mode, doing our best just to get through the day.

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Some Thoughts on Kindness

So I have this friend. She is kind, quirky, super smart and really really funny. We have never met in person. My friend doesn’t feel comfortable going out, and instead is her true self online, where people can’t see her, or judge her, or be cruel to her. My friend is transexual, andstruggles because her

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There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Emotional! By Lauren

Girls and women are often told that we’re being “too emotional” and it’s not meant in a nice way. It’s meant to stop us giving out about something or it’s meant to make us “calm down” because we’re being so bloody emotional. And recently I’ve been thinking about what that word really means – emotional.

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MASSIVE NEWS! We wrote a lil book!!!

We are SO excited to finally share our latest news. Are you ready! For the past few months we’ve been working on the cutest little book called “The Survival Handbook for Girls”. This book is has been lovingly put together by our entire team and beautifully illustrated by our friends at Vitamin Creative. The book

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Repost: Depression Does Not Discriminate, by Emma Norris

I was part of a loving and stable family. I was lucky to experience no trauma in my life. I was the captain of my school, club, and county. I was the leader of the Senior Concert Band. I was a young coach and referee. I handed in all my homework. (Well, most of it.)

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A Pep Talk For You: From Libby x

Need a pep talk? Prepare for some tough love from the one and only Libby….. Get over yourself……..Seriously! You’re behaving in the same way you did when you were a child. Where did all of that beautiful growth go? You’re crying alone, looking for attention, simultaneously worrying and annoying your friends. You’re room is a

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Why You Should Say YES: By Daisy

The BEST thing you can ever do for yourself, is start saying yes.  Listen, I know it sounds so incredibly simple, too simple almost, but honestly, this is the best advice I could give anyone. Ever.   Now, I’m not telling you to start saying yes to things you really really don’t want to do- that would be

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My Own Revolution: By Abigail ❤️

For so long the fast fashion industry has made people feel like they’re not enough, have to look a certain way and they have to dress a certain way. The fast fashion industry has made us feel like we have to keep up with the latest “trends” that they change every two weeks, they make

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Demi On Learning To Love Her Body

Question, what do you see when you look at this picture? There’s only one word that comes to our minds, and its FIERCE! By posting this photo earlier today, Demi Lovato says that she has conquered “biggest fear” by showing her fans what she looks like without Photoshop. “This is my biggest fear. A photo

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“My Thoughts On Minority Mental Health” By Blessing

Did you know that July was Minority Mental Health Awareness Month? Here, Blessing Dada explains why MMHAM is so important to her… Bebe Moore Campbell was a leading African American journalist, novelist, and a national spokesperson for individuals and families affected by mental illness in the United States. She was also one of the founding members

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The Most Important Word is…

If there’s one word you should add to your vocabulary, it’s ‘yet’. ‘Yet’ turns give up sentences into goals. See for yourself. Instead of “I don’t know how to speak French” “I can’t do fishtail plaits” “I don’t understand algebra” Say I don’t know how to speak French… yet“ “I can’t do fishtail plaits…. yet”

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How To Make Your Life Beautiful: By Libby

My love you could make your life so beautiful. Its very simple. A cup of tea in your pyjamas outside every morning. Cover your walls in art work. Go down to the river as often as you can. Keep your room clean and make sure you have lots of candles lighting. Throw away anything that

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Algebra for life? Hardly….

We all learn algebra in school, and some of us wonder what use it serves for our life. Pythagoras’ theorem is cute, sure, but when will we ever actually need it? Well, here’s an equation which we think actually holds the key to life. E + R = O There it is! Simple really. Here’s

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Do You Like Likes Too Much?

We don’t know when or how it happened, it kinda snuck up on us. Life used to be about living wild and free, pursuing freedom, happiness, love and contentment. Now its pretty much all about pursuing those likes. Did you ever hear the saying, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does

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How To Recover From Heartbreak 💔💔

Ah love, what a dose. When its good its good, and when its bad it sucks. Bess Myerson said… “to fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful.” We’ve all been there Bess, keep the faith. If you’re currently nursing a broken heart, we know how much you

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PRIDE WEEK 🌈: What does being non-binary feel like?

Sometimes it’s like being invisible. Watching as eyes pass over you, or even stare through you, without ever focusing properly. Brushing your fingers over the spines of books that have magic and dragons but no one who feels like you. Scrolling through Netflix with much the same result. Filling out forms with two options: MALE

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PRIDE WEEK 🌈: Top 10 Films for Queer Ladies

Pride is this weekend, and we have been taken over by Alana for this week, who will providing us with education and inspiration from the LGBT+ community. As we know, representation is important, so today she shares her top 10 movies for LGBT ladies x Closets are lonely places with lots of dark corners that

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Hey, Its okay to be fragile: By Megan

  I’m not gonna lie, I’m kinda glad May is over. Not because it is now officially summer, exams are over and the weather’s getting better. But because May was Mental Health Awareness Month. Me saying this sounds quite hypocritical; I like to spread awareness on mental health issues and have done so for the

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