
My love you could make your life so beautiful.

Its very simple.

A cup of tea in your pyjamas outside every morning.

Cover your walls in art work.

Go down to the river as often as you can.

Keep your room clean and make sure you have lots of candles lighting.

Throw away anything that you don’t love.

Don’t talk to people who make you sad.

For God’s sake, delete the diet apps on your phone.

Visit the beach and sunbathe.

Fry your cheese toasties instead of grilling them.

Make smoothies for breakfast and then go outside for a walk, see where you end up.

Get up early and take the bus to somewhere random.

Listen to music on the way.

Sit outside and read the book you’ve always wanted to read.

Have some iced tea.

Go to charity shops with your friends and see who can get the nicest things for a fiver.

Eat lots of fruit.

Take pictures and print them out.

Stick them all over everything.

Change your bed clothes once week.

Do a daily face scrub and shower in the dark.

You don’t need a lot of money.

You have all of the time in the world my love so relax.

Spend an extra half an hour at dinner with your family.

Take an afternoon nap.

Watch movies that make you cry.


Hug people for an extra ten seconds.

Take things slowly.

Really enjoy the little things.

Savour the feeling of putting on suncream, take your time as you clean your room, slow down when you’re getting dressed.

Appreciate the amazing orange juice from Aldi, make a cup of coffee to enjoy with an educational video.

You can do all of the things you never had the motivation to do.

Just do one thing.

One little thing that you’ve always wanted to do.


Watch the movie, visit the art gallery, kiss the boy, learn the essay.

And indulge.

Make it the best experience of your life.

You could die in 11 seconds so be as extra as you want.

Bake cookies and pancakes on the same day.

Light incense on a Monday morning.

Create art late at night using crayons.

When you sit down, really sink into the chair.

Rant about all things that will never change and chat about the music that makes you feel alive.

Slow down my love.

You can very easily make your life so incredibly beautiful.

Libby x

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