A Girls Life: By Skye x

Do you remember what life was like when you were a child? Close your eyes and visualise yourself, what do you see? For me, a young girl running through a field, pig tails flying in the breeze and screaming at my best friend that my hair was ‘not ginger, it’s strawberry blonde!’ (it’s gotten darker

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Alone Vs Lonely

We all want to be popular. To be liked. To be included. Society tells us that our value is based on the amount of people we are surrounded by, either in real life, on online in terms of followers, likes and views. That in order to be whole, we need to be half of a

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Why Is My Imaginary Friend Bullying Me? By Ash

When I was small I had an imaginary friend called Jenny. I’m the youngest of 4 girls and my sisters were a good bit older than me and would never play with me so I came up with Jenny. Jenny and I would have tea parties, I’d tell her all of secrets and we would

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A letter to the first guy to break my heart: My Dad

Family stuff happens, and sometimes it hurts. This young lady wrote this letter that she will never send to her Dad, but wanted to get how she felt off her chest. Writing stuff down is a great way to get your head around how you feel, and sometimes helps a little. Dad, I have so

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10 Things Us Girls Need To Stop Shaming Each Other For…

Us girls are divils for judging each other. Instead of embracing our differences, we constantly compete to be the prettiest, the smartest, the most popular, the most athletic, the skinniest. When we look in the mirror, we always look at our faults, and therefore, looking for faults in others makes us feel better about ourselves. This

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My Gratitude Habit: By Niamh

I reckon the most common thing we look for in life is happiness. With the buzz of the new year and all the resolutions that are supposed to go with it I wanted to share the best resolution I’ve ever made. I actually think it’s the only one I’ve ever stuck to, and if that

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How To Take Care Of Yourself In A World That’s On Fire: By Izzy

So, the world is on fire. Australia’s forests are burning, sea levels are rising, and the ozone layer is crumbling. But in a world where our air is becoming polluted, are our social media feeds also too toxic to handle?   If you are on Instagram you are sure to have the many upsetting images of the Australian bush fires. Pictures of

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Shona’s Goa Diary: Part One

Shona in Goa….Caritas Orphanage for Girls As I come to the end of my amazing time here I wanted to capture the essence from my time volunteering at the orphanage.  There were so many powerful, poignant and priceless moments over my time with the girls I can only hope to give you a flavour. While

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So Whats Counselling like Really? By Emma

Everyone’s experience of counselling is different, but I want to tell you about mine, and what I wish I knew before I started seeing a counsellor. The time between being told by my doctor that I likely have anxiety and should talk to someone and actually going to see a counsellor was very rushed, so

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Your 2020 Manifesto

Today marks day one of a new decade. For many of us it feels like the start of a new story, a chance to put past mistakes and trauma behind us, and to start fresh. Instagram is full of promises to lose weight, get fit, find a partner, learn a new language, get an amazing

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What does friendship mean to you?

What does friendship mean to you? To us, its having someone who will always love you no matter what, but won’t hesitate to tell you that you’re acting like a hormonal maniac. Its knowing that you can pick up the phone when you’re at your lowest, and have someone who will just listen. Its saving

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Me and The Winter Blues: By Abigail

This Winter has hit me harder than any previous year.  Previous to this college year I had spent the past year and a half abroad, so when I came back to reality I knew it would take me a lot of mental effort to get through the Winter season.  Summer is when I blossom, when

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Be Your Own Cheerleader! By Emma x

Remember that time that you told your friend she looked amazing in that dress as you left for the party? Or the time that you congratulated them on their exam results? What about the day that they overcame their greatest fear, and you were so proud of them? It’s amazing that we have those people

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How to get over the end of a friendship

Who is the love of your life? We hear so much about romantic love, as in the one with all the kissing, but while boyfriends and girlfriends come and go there is no deeper and more encompassing love than that we have for our friends. When friendships end, it is devastating. But yet, we don’t

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The Importance of Opening Up: By Alísha

I would have laughed at this article if I had read it a year ago. Opening up was simply not something that I ever did, or would ever consider doing. I didn’t see the attraction, to be honest, of having long emotional talks with friends or family. I was much more comfortable with telling a

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My Journey With Prescription Medication: By Megan

Before you read!! – This is my personal experience and cannot be generalised to all people who have, or will, take antidepressants. When I was put on them initially I was physically and mentally unwell and they were most likely needed at the time. However, I am now 21 years old and in the right

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The Shona Project and Me: By Izzy

“I have a beautiful soul, a brilliant mind, and an open heart.  I acknowledge that I am an ever-growing and always-learning work in progress. I own my flaws, but I will succeed in spite of, and maybe because of, my weaknesses. They do not define me. I promise to lift up other girls, to have their backs, to

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Youth Mental Health in Ireland: How are we doing?

As young people, we seem to be struggling with our mental health at the moment. So many of us are battling anxiety, stress, depression, lack of self-confidence or disordered eating. Schools feel like they are full of tension, with many of us operating in survival mode, doing our best just to get through the day.

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