How to ace those exams…

The sun is out, which means the LC and  the JC are just around the corner. Soon the churches will be filled with candles lit by Grannies whilst Mammies stuff their offspring with endless cups of tea and toasted sandwiches. Its stressful, there’s no getting around that. We know how it feels to be afraid

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Why you should know Blythe Baird: By Megan

I recently bought a book entitled ‘Give Me a God I Can Relate To’, it is a poetry book by an amazing woman named Blythe Baird. I know most young people are turned off by the mere mention of the word “poetry”, but Blythe is a woman who would change most girls’ perception of the

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How to survive starting College: By Abigail

Personally, I was terrified about leaving secondary school and starting college. I was scared of change. I liked my life the way it was and I was happy enough for it to stay the same. Looking back now, I wish I hadn’t have been so scared about it all because I am so happy with

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Helen Mirren’s “Top 5 Rules for a Happy Life”

Earlier this week we shared Ellen’s brilliant commencement speech from Tulane University, New Orleans. This week, Helen Mirren, another girl crush (we have many), shared her funny but wise wisdom with the grads. First up, Helen shared her”Helen’s Top 5 Rules for a Happy Life”…. Rule number one: Don’t need to rush to get married. I

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An update from one of our favourite writers

Last year we shared the most amazing letter from Miss J. It really blew our socks off. Well, shes been back in touch, and she’s doing amazing. So here she is with an update…. Dear Shona, It’s me again! I should be more specific, given that you probably just stole a hasty glance at my

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Want a Job? This might help…

Looking for a part time job? Not sure how to go about it? Accenture have you covered, as they have just released a free online academy to give 15-24 year old’s the skills and confidence you need to go grab that job. It uses virtual coaches, and simulations to provide training in lots of modules

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“As I began to love myself” By Charlie Chaplin

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody As I try to force my desires on this person,

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How Ellen had to lose everything to find herself.

If you’re looking for inspiration or a good pep talk before an exam, job interview or any big event in your life, just look up “best commencement speeches” on Youtube. While in Ireland, you go to your graduation to hear the college president or school principal recite the same “good luck, now off you go, don’t

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When Sophie hung out with Girls rock Dublin

Empowering girls to be the best versions of themselves is a vital part of the Girls Rock Dublin ethos. I met the team one sunny afternoon and came away feeling inspired and hopeful for what was to come. Girls Rock Dublin is part of a global movement, Girls Rock Camp that originally began in 2001

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Guest Post: A Reflection on Perfection

Earlier this week we shared our thoughts on the word ‘perfect’ and how harmful it can be. This post inspired Ellen to think about her journey with her own body, and she kindly shared them with us…. I was born on August 29th 2000, two weeks overdue. As the anticipation of me being the first

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Sticks and Stones….. By Nicole

As some of you know, Nicole Sadly lost her brother, Alex 18 months ago. Since then, as she slowly heals, she has channeled some of her pain into trying to prevent others from suffering the same loss by talking to young people in schools about synthetic drugs. This was a tough week for her. We’ll

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Guest Post: Stigmatized, by Abigail McDonnell

Stigmatized. Wow. It’s taken me a long time to build the courage to write about this. And of course, I’m not quite sure where to start.  My name is Abigail McDonnell and I’m 19 years old. At this moment in my life I am content, I am strong and I am excited about life, about

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Video: A letter to my Pre-transition Self

Jamie Raines realised at a very young age that he should not have been born into a female body, and at age 17 began transitioning socially from female to male, with the support of his family. Now aged 21, he says he has never been happier. Jamie started taking testosterone at 18, and had a

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How much do we love Aine Cahill?? (A lot, obviously).

As our neighbours, friends, family and anyone who ever passes our office will know, our favourite song of 2017 is Aine Cahills “plastic”.  The 22 year old Cavan girl’s video has been played on repeat on just about every radio station in Ireland and rightly so, as she gives any of the big guns (Adele,

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The one word we need to cut from our vocab… (clue: its not this one)

Whats your least favourite word? We’ve been talking about this and came up with the following.. Moist…. Orifice…. Methinks….. Fab….. Smeg…… The C word, (you know yourself). But if we had to chose one word to eradicate from the vocabulary of every teenage girl it would be this. We girls put ourselves under huge pressure

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What do you wish you could say to your mental illness?

If you struggle with a mental health disorder, sometimes it feels like there are two people living in your brain, and all you want to do is tell the unwanted guest to go away. Usually, this guest is unreasonable, stubborn, and unwilling to see things from your point of view. But if you could sit your

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