

Earlier this week, Olivia Vella, stunned her entire class with her end-of-year poem , in which she asked “Why am I not Good Enough”. That very question not only rings true for her classmates, but obviously for many of us as her video has been watched 20 million times in the last few days.

“The reaction to the video shows I am not alone,” Vella told ABC News. “We are not alone in how we feel.”

In the video, Vella says, “Even though you spent hours trying to look pretty, you’ll never be as good as those other girls at school.

“You look at other girls wishing you were them, but other girls are looking at you wishing they were you.

“You are loved. You are precious. You are beautiful. You are talented. You are capable. You are deserving of respect. And most of all, you are good enough.”

Watch it for yourself….


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