Routines That are Damaging Your Brain

8 Habits That are Damaging Your Brain

Routines may be boring at times, but for some of us, they help us to plan and stop us from stressing too much about how our day is going to pan out. Also, our brains have, quite frankly, enough to be dealing with. All of those routines become habits, and some are good, but some

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girl in a bad mood

How to Snap Yourself out of a Stinky Mood

U OK HUN? We all have bad days, you woke up happy and then a couple of things happen one after another and all of a sudden your mood has taken a turn for the worse. The milk was off in your coco-pops, the bus was late and you left your homework on the kitchen

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My PLC Experience- By Jasmine

We firmly believe that PLC courses and apprenticeships are amazing opportunities that are not highlighted enough for us girls as pathways to the career we always wanted. Sometimes PLC courses can be seen as a “Back Up Option” in case you don’t get a third-level course. We want to clear up this myth because it’s

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Self Confidence 101- By Denise

When you think of self-confidence, who do you imagine? Michelle O Bama? Taylor Swift? or do you picture someone in your class or on social media? What is it about them that defines confidence for you? Do you think they are beautiful or perfect? Is confidence an appearance or is it an action? Sometimes we

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Social media

Things I Wish I Knew about Social Media Earlier

Social media is everywhere around us these days – Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat… the list is endless. We are all guilty of spending too much time scrolling through the latest posts or checking how many likes our recent selfie has gotten. But it was when I started to spend hours obsessing over what my friends

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girls shaming girls

Things Us Girls Need To Stop Shaming Each Other About

Us girls are divils for shaming each other. Instead of embracing our differences, we constantly compete to be the prettiest, the smartest, the most popular, the most athletic, and the skinniest. When we look in the mirror, we always look at our faults; therefore, looking for faults in others makes us feel better about ourselves.

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Why Asking For Help Changed My Life

The year my parents separated was the year my whole world completely crashed and to say my mental health suffered was an understatement. I went from being a severely athletic young girl who loved her body and everything that she was to a complete hermit who hated any sort of interaction with the world and

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love your body

Five Ways to Love your Body

Warning: Talks of body image, diets and body negativity. We are often told that we should love the body that we are in, and how strong is the new skinny.  Do we actually follow or believe this advice or do we still focus on the areas of our bodies we want to change? The following

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My Love For Poetry – By Amy

This was sent to us by Amy who is a teenage girl within the Shona community. Our website is a safe space for young women to share their stories and experiences. By sharing our stories, we can ensure that girls across the country will know that they are never alone, no matter the situation. A

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Mentorship 101

As you may already know, our mission here at Shona is to educate, empower and inspire today’s Irish Girls to become tomorrow’s strong, confident and curious young women. However, if you think we could do this all on our own you are very much mistaken! Here at Shona, we believe in the power of mentorship.

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Black women in sport

Sport and Body Confidence

  This was sent to us by a teenage girl within the Shona community. Our website is a safe space for young women to share their experiences and how they have overcome tricky situations. By sharing our stories, we can ensure that girls across the country will know that they are never alone, no matter

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What is Gaslighting? By TooIntoYou

This post has been submitted by Woman’s Aid as part of their campaign #TooIntoYou What is Gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse. It happens when the person you’re going with, or even your ex, makes you constantly question your own feelings, memories and reality. They do this to make you unsure of yourself

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5 Life Lessons I Learned from Vicky Phelan.

This post was written by our founder, Tammy in 2018. Vicky was a hero to all of us, and inspired the entire Shona community. She taught us so much about speaking up for ourselves, trusting our gut, and being advocates for ourselves. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Jim, her daughter Amelia, her

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Megan Thee Stallion creates Mental Health Platform

We sometimes forget that celebrities are just like us in lots of ways, and while Megan Thee Stallion is a queen, she’s no different. In her song “Anxiety” she sings that she’s  “a bad b*tch, and [she] got bad anxiety.” But in this case, Megan has really put her voice behind the issue, and she

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So, How Are we Doing?

Hey. How are you doing?? This is a question we asked hundreds of girls over the past few weeks, with the help of The Irish Second Level Students Union and The Youth Lab. We’ve been traveling all over Ireland for years, talking to girls in schools about how they are doing, how they feel about

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Izzy

We would like to provide you with a trigger warning before you continue to read. In this article, Izzy makes a reference to disordered eating.    Dear Isobel, As I’m writing this, the July sun is shining in through the sunroom windows and warming my skin. I look down at where the light is hitting,

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Aoife and Katie Chat All Things Pride

For Pride Month, I spoke to my twin sister, Katie, about her experiences as a lesbian in Ireland (the conversation has been edited a bit for length). We spoke about being gay in a suburban setting, LGBT youth groups, and Pride. Read our conversation below: Do you want to tell the Shona readers a little

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