Guest Post: Who is Emily Doe?

We have all heard (unless living under a rock) of the Brock Turner sexual assault case that broke in the U.S some months ago. Well what about “Emily Doe”? Emily Doe was his victim. This post is NOT going to be about the vile being that is Brock Turner. This post is NOT going to

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Today We Rise….

This video really sums up what The Shona Project is all about. We aim to help, inspire and empower girls to dream big, and to have the strength, determination and resilience to achieve those dreams. As Eleanor Rosevelt,  our favourite first lady (pre-Michelle, obvs) once said “No one can make you feel inferior without your

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Hey! Lets start a Book Club!

One of our readers sent us a link this week to this amazing Ted Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Inspired by her talk we did more research and found out that Chimamanda has written a book, also called “We Should all be Feminists”. This teeny tiny book has been deemed required reading in Sweden, and

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Why do I love my bed so much?

Why am I so obsessed with my bed? Doctor Sharon explains all below:   During sleep our bodies reboot- our brain processes all the information we have gathered during the day [that includes school work!] and the body gets busy repairing muscles, healing wounds, making hormones and growing. It’s a really important time for the

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Gillian Anderson has your back.

To be honest, she freaks us out a little on ‘The Fall’ with her tough, cold, non smiling, intimidating death stare, but it turns our Gillian Anderson is actually pretty sound. In March, Gillian will release ‘We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere’, which she says will help young women like your good selves deal with confidence

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Guest Post: Shouldn’t I Have my Life Figured Out by Now???

I’ve known myself for 20 years and 8 months now, a pretty long time to get to know someone. At this stage I should know myself inside out and upside down, right…? Turns out getting to know yourself is actually really hard. We see our own reflection almost every single day, but I still don’t

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To the Marino Girls

Hi Girls, I was so happy to spend time with you all today. You all reminded me a lot of myself at age 14-15.  I could tell that most of you are dealing with challenges, and that you all know that life can be hard. We had a lovely moment when one girl decided to

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Amanda Seyfried on Mental Illness

  The amazing Amanda Seyfried talked about her struggle with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) in this months Allure magazine. She said that people don’t take mental illness as seriously as physical illness. Amanda takes medication to remain mentally healthy and says that she would never stop her meds just to avoid the stigma attached with it.

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On Upside Down Perspectives

Stefan sent us this piece to share with you all: We don’t know who wrote it but it shows how sometimes we should try to see a perspective other than the one that we think is right. We should allow ourselves to consider that we might be mistaken. Perhaps, being wrong allows an alternative understanding of a

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Aoife on Singing your Heart Out

As far back as I can remember, I wanted to sing. I was always singing as a young child, even back to age 3 or 4, and I always felt happiest when I was singing. All through my young years of being a child, I used to say that I wanted to be a singer

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Hush Now!! Michelle is speaking.

We are obsessed with Michelle Obama. We have been very clear about this in the past. Earlier this week Michelle spoke out about Trumps attitude to women and gave us all a masterclass on how to shut down a massive toolbucket with dignity, grace and intelligence. Take it away Shellie.

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101 Ways to Deal with Stress

On your first day of class, you are usually handed a mountain of notes and told to get stuck in and say goodbye to your social life for the next six months. For the past ten years, Brett Phillips, a psychology teacher from California has been starting his class with a list of 101 ways to

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Am I Pretty Now?

Karolina Maria, from Norway, posted a video to Instagram called “Am I pretty now?” The video shows Karolina (20) scrolling through Instagram and getting more and more unhappy with her appearance. It starts with the contouring, followed by falsies and eventually she has completely changed her appearance. “I think it’s just so crazy how plastic

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The Worlds Most Amazing Letter

Sometimes, after we visit schools, we get emails from girls to tell us about their lives. Sometimes they ask for help, and we are happy to refer them to people in their areas that can do that. Sometimes, they want a good oul vent, and that’s grand too. Sometimes it to say they liked our

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Video: About my anxiety

One in three teenage girls suffers from anxiety, according to a survey of 14-year-olds for the Department for Education in the UK. Orli, a 17-year-old girl from north London, talks to her friends about her anxiety, how she plans to beat it and stop the stigma surrounding it. Its a good watch, speaks for itself.

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Aoife Mullane: Print Queen

Aoife Mullane from Bray is killing it right now. Nominated for lots of awards including the Image Interiors & Living Design Awards, her designs are really, really  beautiful. We asked the NCAD graduate about making her passion her job. Hi Aoife, you are a very talented young designer. Were you always artistic? I have always enjoyed being

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On Loss

On Wednesday night a dark cloud descended on Waterford, one that is palpable. The young people, who usually fill the streets with energy and vibrancy are silent. Parents and friends are devastated, wondering how to help their children through this, wanting to take their pain away and knowing that they will never be the same again.

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Guest Interview: On getting to grips with Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning difference affecting the way the brain processes written and spoken language. It is not laziness, disruptive behavior, or a general lack of comprehension. To see for yourself how some people struggle to read, have a look at this website and you’ll get it. Siobhan works in finance in London. She manages

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