
Hi Girls,

I was so happy to spend time with you all today. You all reminded me a lot of myself at age 14-15.  I could tell that most of you are dealing with challenges, and that you all know that life can be hard.

We had a lovely moment when one girl decided to apologise to another for issues that seemed to go back to Primary School. Lets not undersestimate what a difficult thing that is for any of us to do. It takes a big person and many adults live their whole lives carrying silly grudges rather than own up to their actions.

To you I say this. That girl might never speak to you about your apology, or acknowldge it. But take it from me that it meant a lot to her, how could it not. And I know that you feel better about yourself, as it was something you’d been carrying for a long time. I’m so proud of you. Today, you are my hero.

You all promised each other today that you would be kind. What a lovely thing that is.

Thanks for having me,



PS Here was all are, happy out.

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