Another year is coming to an end, and here at Shona HQ, we’re putting on our out-of-office, sneaking the best bars from our selection boxes (the Curly Wurleys obvs) and looking back at all that we’ve achieved this year. 2023 was our biggest year yet, but it was tough, we’re not going to lie. We
This post was written by our founder, Tammy in 2018. Vicky was a hero to all of us, and inspired the entire Shona community. She taught us so much about speaking up for ourselves, trusting our gut, and being advocates for ourselves. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Jim, her daughter Amelia, her
SuperWoman has super strength, Daredevil has extraordinary detective skills and The Scarlet Witch can influence anyone and anything. What are your superpowers? Follow our handy guide to find your powers and use them to kick life in the butt life. POW: Superpowers STAR Model via GIPHY One of the best ways to identify your