
On Wednesday night, former US Vice-President, Joe Biden spoke to students at George Mason University about consent, an issue he feel VERY strongly about. “Change the culture. You can do it,” he told the crowd in Fairfax, Virginia, before addressing male students specifically. “Guys. A woman who’s dead drunk cannot consent,” he said, his voice rising. “You are raping her. You are raping her if she cannot say ‘it’s okay.’”

He was interrupted by applause, but Biden wasn’t finished making his point. “I really mean this,” he added. “We’ve got to talk about this. Consent requires affirmative consent. And if you’re too drunk to be able to consent, it is not consent.”

He went on to tell male students that it’s their job to quash so-called “locker-room talk.” “You’ve got to speak up,” he said. “You cannot let that kind of talk be bred on the college campus. You’ve got to do what I’ve done, what my father taught me. Turn and say, ‘You’re a horse’s tail.’ Only a little more graphic.”

Watch his speech here, and share with every teenage boy you know, because they don’t really hang out on this website y’know…

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