
Yesterday in the US, tens of thousands of young people marched to demand stricter gun control. The speeches were all eloquent, heartfelt and unyielding, but without a doubt the star of the day was nine year old Yolanda Renee King.

Yolanda, who is the Grandaughter of Martin Luther King, took to the stage with Parkland shooting survivor Jaclyn Corin, and led the crowd in demanding change.

I have a dream that enough is enough.

Referencing her Grandfathers famous 1963 “I have a dream” speech, Yolanda said “My grandfather had a dream that his four little children will not be judged by the color of the skin, but the content of their character. I have a dream that enough is enough. And that this should be a gun-free world, period.” She then roused the crowd into chanting

“Spread the word, have you heard,

All across the nation, we are going to be

A great generation.”

You can watch the speech in full here…

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