
Hey, do you have a head for business or an idea for a product that you’d like to explore some day? Why not start now?

Katie McGloin is a Shona ambassador with more accolades and awards than most of the adults we know. At 15, she started KT Clothing, a gender neutral clothing line for young people who don’t want to dress particularly feminine or masculine.

On April 19th, Katie will deliver a free workshop on Youth Enterprise in Croke Park as part of the Business All Stars Summit 2018. There are 20 tickets available for anyone aged 15-18 with an interest in this area.

To apply, please send details (Name, Age/Year Group, Contact Details, Location) to [email protected] – Students can be there any time after 3pm, the workshop will begin at 4pm!

All the best to Katie and her students, this is a day not to be missed!

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The Shona Project is a company limited by guarantee. Registered charity number: 20206722. Company registration number: 592520.