
At Shona, we love finding videos that inspire us or make us feel good. Here are two that were sent to us this week by our adoring fans (okay our Mams) that will cheer your soul, warm your cockles and lift your spirits.

This first one takes comments that were sent to people online and has actors re-create them in real life. What would you do if you saw someone being picked on?

The second asks kids what they think of themselves, and then asks their classmates, showing the effect that low self-esteem can have on us.

Remember, when you’re having a bad, day, or need a boost, we have a bank of videos here. We’ll be adding more over the next week, so if you find any we’ve missed, please send them on. The more the merrier x

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The Shona Project is a company limited by guarantee. Registered charity number: 20206722. Company registration number: 592520.