Tips For Detoxing Your Social Media Feeds

Detox is a word many of us know, but for those of us who don’t, it’s all about removing something that is negative from our lives when it just doesn’t serve us anymore. This might be a social detox – removing people in your life whose vibes don’t align with yours anymore, a diet detox

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How To Study Like A Pro

Exams are stressful and study is boring. Fact. Most of us would rather trim the lawn with a nail scissors than study. If we’re honest, we are inclined to lock ourselves in a room for two hours organising our sock drawer or thinking about what our death row meal would be, and then clapping ourselves on

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Here’s A Daily Checklist For Heading Back To School

Going to secondary school is very exciting – there is a new building, uniform, new friends, teachers and lots of opportunities to try new subjects and activities. But it can also be a bit daunting, even to those who aren’t heading into first year. This year is no exception. After months off and a lot

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