How To Deal With Being Ghosted

We’ve all been there, spending weeks, months, and sometimes even years texting someone and then all of a sudden ..BOOM.. nothing.. nada. It’s like the person never existed. They’ve literally become a ghost. And it hurts. It’s so hard to process this situation as it usually happens suddenly and unexpectedly. A lot of the time

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Your Guide To Navigating Group Chats

We all love a good group chat. You have the one with your besties where the real tea is spilt, the one with the fam where you realise where you got your craziness from or the work one where you all bond over the daily trauma that workplace brings you (our customer service people will

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10 Brilliant Gifts For Your Empowered Bestie

Happy Fricking Christmas Everyone! It’s that time of year again when we all stress about how to buy gifts for those in our lives that are sustainable, useful, empowering, appropriate and affordable. No pressure right?! Don’t worry! We’ve trawled the internet for some beautiful gifts for the empowered bestie, sister, daughter or love of your

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Ask Steph: My Friends Set Up A Group Chat Without Me

Steph, our gorgeous counselling and psychotherapy expert is back to help you, our followers, out with some sticky life situations. Social media can be cool and all, but nobody ever tells you how much effort goes into juggling all the different platforms and group chats. So, when this follower found herself excluded from a chat,

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How to Upgrade Your Convo Game

Conversations…… uuuurgh. When it comes to actually talking to other humans in real life, most of us would rather stick needles in our eyeballs. But having decent chat game is a really important skill for getting ahead in life. Being able to really engage with others is vital when it comes to getting jobs, (and

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10 Things us girls need to stop shaming each other for..

Us girls are divils for judging each other. Instead of embracing our differences, we constantly compete to be the prettiest, the smartest, the most popular, the most athletic, the skinniest. When we look in the mirror, we always look at our faults, and therefore, looking for faults in others makes us feel better about ourselves.

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How To Cope With Frenemies

Here’s the thing. Us girls spend many years changing and growing, moving from one group to another and identifying more with some at different stages because we like to hang out with those who are similar to us. Our personalities change over time, and we will go through phases where our friendships are just plain

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Why is my imaginary friend picking on me?

When I was small I had an imaginary friend called Jenny. I’m the youngest of 4 girls and my sisters were a good bit older than me and would never play with me so I came up with Jenny. Jenny and I would have tea parties, I’d tell her all of secrets and we would

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How to support a friend who is struggling: By Jenny

Often when a friend tells us that they are feeling a bit down, or have recently been diagnosed with a mental health issue, it’s difficult to know what to say or do. It’s an automatic reaction to panic, and avoid talking about the issue. However that friend will often have confided in you for a

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Take The Shona Pledge…

Its nice to be nice isn’t it? We think so. We are so excited to introduce our new pledge, and to invite every one of you to join those who have taken it already. Life as hard and we need to be kind to each other. We also need to be kinder to ourselves and

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