love your body

Five Ways to Love your Body

Warning: Talks of body image, diets and body negativity. We are often told that we should love the body that we are in, and how strong is the new skinny.  Do we actually follow or believe this advice or do we still focus on the areas of our bodies we want to change? The following

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Why Maysen is Walking from Cork to Donegal…

Can we all just take a second to appreciate Maysen Forbes, who is currently walking 560 miles from the bottom to the top of Ireland, to raise awareness and funds for Mental Health Ireland. Maysen, who has suffered with “anxiety, depression and self-harm” in the past, is just over half way through her monster hike, which

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5 ways to look after your mental health: By Megan

Mental Health Week is on from October 9th – October 14th 2017, with World Mental Health Day on Tuesday October 10th. Having a full week dedicated to mental health awareness is a huge step in educating people on all aspects of what mental health entails. Mental Health Ireland are promoting ‘5 Steps to Wellbeing’ over

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