Tips For Detoxing Your Social Media Feeds

Detox is a word many of us know, but for those of us who don’t, it’s all about removing something that is negative from our lives when it just doesn’t serve us anymore. This might be a social detox – removing people in your life whose vibes don’t align with yours anymore, a diet detox

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How To Study Like A Pro

Exams are stressful and study is boring. Fact. Most of us would rather trim the lawn with a nail scissors than study. If we’re honest, we are inclined to lock ourselves in a room for two hours organising our sock drawer or thinking about what our death row meal would be, and then clapping ourselves on

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Here’s A Daily Checklist For Heading Back To School

Going to secondary school is very exciting – there is a new building, uniform, new friends, teachers and lots of opportunities to try new subjects and activities. But it can also be a bit daunting, even to those who aren’t heading into first year. This year is no exception. After months off and a lot

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Ask Steph: My Parents Are Separating, I Feel Sad And Angry

Steph, our gorgeous counselling and psychotherapy expert is back to help you, our followers, out with some sticky life situations. Endings come in all shapes and sizes and can be super tricky to cope with. Our parents’ relationship ending is never really something we ever think could happen. This reader is struggling to process her

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Anjelica

To Anjelica from ten years ago, There’s so much I wish I could tell my younger self, lessons learned the hard way, warnings of bad days to come but most importantly, I wish I could let you know everything turns out ok and you will be alright. In 2012 people kept saying the world would

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Izzy

We would like to provide you with a trigger warning before you continue to read. In this article, Izzy makes a reference to disordered eating.    Dear Isobel, As I’m writing this, the July sun is shining in through the sunroom windows and warming my skin. I look down at where the light is hitting,

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What’s Counselling Really Like? Here’s The Tea – By Emma

Everyone’s experience of counselling is different, but I want to tell you about mine, and what I wish I knew before I started seeing a counsellor. The time between being told by my doctor that I likely have anxiety and should talk to someone and actually going to see a counsellor was very rushed, so

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Raevynna

If I could send a letter back in time, letting the words of gentle encouragement and enlightened compassion sift through the sands of days gone, this is what I would say to you, my younger self:  You are going to fail. You are going to fail more times than you can possibly imagine. Those failures

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Aoife H

Dear Aoife, I am writing this letter to you, aged 23, preparing to graduate from college with a Bachelor of Business and ready to explore the world. While I know you struggled in your teenage years with extreme anxiety and depression, I am so proud to be able to tell you that you have taken

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Destiny

Dear younger dee, I’m twenty years old now, but I still hold on to my ten-year-old self in many ways, because she was the one who taught me how to be kind, outspoken, independent, and brave. Who I am now, is because of who I was when I was younger. All of the good and

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Daisy

Daisy, I am writing this to you as a 20-year-old woman, you are no longer just a girl in a school uniform being given out to for having badges plastered over your jumpers, you are in your 20’s now. And this is somehow even scarier than entering the halls of secondary school and finding yourself

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Emma

Dear Emma, I’m writing this aged 18, preparing to sit the Leaving Cert, and completely unsure of what will happen next – and I want you to know that’s okay! Since 12 or 13, you’ve struggled with your mental health. Since then you’ve worked with 2 different counsellors, spoken *honestly* to your doctor (which was

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Joy

When you are just becoming a teenager you think you know everything and understand people but now that I’m twenty-two and I look back, I just think about how I didn’t know anything. I remember it as a time without big responsibility but everything counted back then. I was still only learning how people work

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Tara

Dear Tara, If I am being honest, writing you this letter has been quite difficult for me. It’s hard for me to think back on the things that I know you are going through. In some ways, I wish I could travel back and tell you everything you need to know to get through this

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Mikaela

Dear younger Mikaela, Slow down. Relax. Everything always works out in the end. There’s no need to be constantly worrying about what the future holds. Live in the present because the next few years are some of your best. Even if you don’t realize it! The leaving cert was never as important as you thought

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A Letter To My Younger Self – By Aoife D

Dear Aoife, I know you’re probably stressed out right now. That seems to be your default state – stressed about school, stressed about friends, stressed about the future. I get it. But try not to worry too much. School is important, and good grades are important. But they’re not more important than your mental health.

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