
Lisa is one determined and clever lady. Heres why…

Aer Lingus Pilot Lisa Cusack pictured at Dublin Airport

Lisa Cusack, from Dublin, had her first flying lesson at 13, and decided immediately that she wanted to be a pilot. Unfortunately, once she researched how to achieve her dream, she found out that the training to qualify would cost €100,000.

Lisa also realised that she would need to study maths, physics and engineering, but though (as so many of us do) that she was “rubbish at maths”. Lisa now says that those of us that are bad at maths just need a little extra help, or to put some more time and effort into it.

Baking cupcakes helped Lisa realise her dream of becoming a pilot

Lisa chose to study applied physics in DCU, and while it was difficult, she stuck it out, after graduation, got a job as a flight dispatcher in Dublin Airport. Over the next 7 years, Lisa managed to save €30,000, which still wasn’t enough to secure a bank loan for the remainder.

Time and time again, obstacles were put in her way, and finally, Lisa started her own cupcake business, working 20 hours a day between both jobs and baking 10,000 cupcakes in a year.

Aer Lingus pilots Sonya Bisset and Lisa Cusack

After investing years of her life, all her savings, and every spare second she had, Lisa became an Aer Lingus pilot and achieved her dream.

Lisa says

It doesn’t matter where you come from, your upbringing, how much money you have or haven’t got, how smart you think you are, or aren’t.

If you are willing to work hard, believe in yourself and never give up…you can absolutely be anything you want to be.

Photos: Irish Independent

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