how to beat procrastination for teenage girls

How to Kick Procrastination in the Arse

Procrastination. We’ve all been there—staring at a pile of homework, or a list of chores and thinking, “I’ll do it later.” But later often turns into much later, and before you know it, you’re in a last-minute scramble, stressed out and overwhelmed. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Procrastination is a common challenge, especially

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What’s the craic with… THRUSH???

  Oh no sweetie, we’re not talking about the bird kind of thrush, the other kind! Most women and girls will suffer from Thrush at some stage and usually its starts with a rather awkward itch. Luckily for us, we’ve spoken to our medical professional friends and asked them to explain it in full, and

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Navigating Conflict: A Guide for Girls

Are arguments inevitable? Is conflict a sign of a strong relationship? As a teenage girl, dealing with conflicts in your relationships can be tough, whether it’s with friends or family. However, learning how to navigate these conflicts can actually make your relationships stronger, and help you grow emotionally. Let’s dive into what conflicts are, why

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Setting Boundaries: A Girl’s Guide to Self-Care

It might be a bit of a buzzword these days, but we still believe in the importance of being aware of and setting boundaries in your relationships! You’ve a lot going on trying to navigate friendships, school, and family life, so it’s essential to understand and establish boundaries. Boundaries are the invisible lines that define

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teen girl enjoying sustainable fashion and bueaty

Sustainable Fashion and Beauty: Your Guide to an Eco-Friendly Summer

Summer is here, and with exams behind you, it’s time to embrace new adventures and activities! As you plan your summer wardrobe, why not make sustainable fashion and beauty choices that are kind to the planet AND stylish? Sustainable fashion and beauty are all about making eco-friendly choices that help reduce waste and support ethical

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Dr. Gabor Maté Event on 20th June 2024

  We are still wondering if it was a dream! 🤩 Team Shona attended an all-day event hosted by Jacqueline Kyne Events where we got to hear from a Dr. Gabor Maté and a host of other wonderful speakers including Dennis Okwera from Lumule Foundation, Bressie from A Lust For Life , Brent Pope from Elephant in the Room

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migraine awareness month

Migraine Awareness Month :5 This is my story

As June is Migraine Awareness Month, one of our amazing Shona community members, Grace, has shared her story of her experience with migraines,  to raise awareness about this often misunderstood condition. She has very bravely shared details of her personal experience, so we hope you enjoy reading her story, and come away with a better

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Graphic that reads "teen gueer love stories on netflix perfect for bingeing this pride month". Image of the charachters from each show are in the background

Binge-Worthy Teen Queer Stories on Netflix

Searching for your next binge-worthy teen queer stories on Netflix? We’ve got you covered! In a world where representation matters more than ever, Netflix is stepping up its game with an array of incredible teen queer stories that celebrate diversity, love, and the power of being true to yourself. Whether you’re looking for heartwarming romances,

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Graphic designed image that reads Happy Pride from everyone at the shona project. Terms of sexuality and gender

The Many Terms of Sexuality and Gender

June is Pride Month and here at Shona we always celebrate the beauty of diversity and the power of love in all its forms, and even more so this month. There may be some labels or terms related to sexuality and gender that you’ll see this month that you’re not aware of, so we’ve included

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comic book style imagery with 5 women with megaphones. The text reads "how to take care of yourself when the news feels overwhelming"

How to Take Care of Yourself When The News Feels Overwhelming

Overwhelmed by the News? You’re Not Alone It feels that the news has been overwhelming and scary for a long time now We should be used to this right now right? No. No we shouldn’t. TikTok and Instagram are full of videos of horrific acts, especially those involving children, and there is a level of

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Graphic that shows a comic book style woman in a pose of confidence. The words of the graphic read "shonas ultimate guide to confidence and positive risks"

Confidence & Positive Risks – The Ultimate Guide

Confidence doesn’t always come naturally – But with a few simple tips from our ultimate guide, you can learn to build lasting self-esteem Here’s a secret, not everyone who appears to be confident feels it on the inside. It’s a lifelong skill, and it comes from focusing on who we are, and who we can be,

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Besties 101: How to Keep Your Friendships REAL

Let’s dive deeper into the magical world of friendship – the real MVP of our teenage years. Grab a cuppa, get cozy, and let’s explore the ins and outs of keeping those connections real and thriving. Authenticity is where it all begins, babes. None of that fake stuff, alright? Being true to yourself and your

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The 27 Things I Have Learned

I celebrate my 27th birthday soon. I’m really not a birthday person and would melt into a puddle at even the thought of someone throwing me a surprise birthday party. The singing + everyone looking at you = NO THANK YOU! I can’t be the only one, right?    Anyway, other than the fact I

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Autism & Me, by Aoife

I’ve felt different from other people for as long as I can remember. As a little girl, I had some quirks: I didn’t really play with other kids a lot, I much preferred the company of myself or my twin sister. I was quiet and clumsy, and I was always away with the fairies. I frightened

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Autism Is My Biggest Strength – By Rachel

April is Autism Awareness Month. What you might not know is that many of our ambassador community are neurodivergent, and today, Rachel wanted to share how she has learned that her Autism is her biggest strength and allows her to embrace her authentic self x My name is Rachel, and I am autistic. I was

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7 Strategies To Improve Your Sleep

  We’ve all heard by now the importance of getting 8-10 hours sleep per day, but how is that actually possible? Your lives are busy and “getting an early night” isn’t always easy, but here’s some tried and tested strategies to help increase your overall amount of sleep: 1.Establish a consistent routine Going to bed

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How To Deal With Being Ghosted

We’ve all been there, spending weeks, months, and sometimes even years texting someone and then all of a sudden ..BOOM.. nothing.. nada. It’s like the person never existed. They’ve literally become a ghost. And it hurts. It’s so hard to process this situation as it usually happens suddenly and unexpectedly. A lot of the time

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