
Teenagers Maria Lousie Fufezan and Diana Bura were the winners of the BT Young Scientist Competition in January, and just this week came third in the European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Brussels.


Their winning project was called ‘An Investigation into the Effects of Enzymes used in Animal Feed Additives on the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis Elegans’  (Please note: we had to google the spelling for EVERY word in this sentence). The girls take home €3,500 and a trip to Du Pont’s science and engineering plants in Denmark.


Speaking in Brussels, Maria-Louise and Diana said:

We are proud to be recognised on an international stage alongside so many talented young scientists and entrepreneurs from across Europe.
This experience, on the back of our win at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition in January, has given us a platform to share our ideas with the industry, build on our original research and potentially make a real difference to the environment.”
We tried to track them down to do an interview with us, but they are very busy sciencing at the moment. Hey girls, Call us x

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