
We hear a lot about Stigma, especially in relation to mental health. But what exactly is it?

According to www.seechange.ie, stigma:

  • involves the use of negative labels to identify people as different.
  • takes many forms from the unkind word, social exclusion to higher insurance premiums.
  • results in the person feeling devalued and may lead them to isolate themselves and conceal their mental health difficulty.
  • thrives on lack of knowledge and understanding, negative attitudes and hostile or discriminatory behaviour.


Basically it refers to the judgement or fear of judgement that often stops people from talking about the difficulties they might be experiencing. Loads more info on it here.
Abigail, who has written for us many times on mental health (here, here, here, here, and here) is also an ambassador for Seechange, and is passionate about removing the stigma around mental health, so that we can share our experiences, support each other, and start to heal.

Abigail also had a great podcast on mental health, which is positive, honest and encouraging. You can check out her latest episode on stigma here.

Seechange have just rolled out their 7th annual Green Ribbon campaign. See keep an eye out for the ribbons and lets start talking more about the things that get us down x

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