Join The Shona Community and support the next generation of women in Ireland

If you believe in the power of The Shona Project, the work that we do, and the impact we create, we would love to have your support so we can continue to grow and create lasting change.

In order to spread the story of Shona and the amazing work that we do, we have started a monthly newsletter. This newsletter will share highlights and achievements, but will also feature stories and articles and other news that will interest girls, parents, teachers and professionals. We will include our recommendations for books, music, podcasts, TV shows, movies, self-care items, and everything in between.

The newsletter is our way to create a movement in Ireland of people who support the girls who we hope will grow to become leaders and changemakers. Our community will also be invited to monthly events, where we will hear from amazing and inspiring women who we hugely admire, all with inspirational stories to share

You can join us in supporting The Shona Community by joining our newsletter mailing list by hitting the button below.

More About the Shona Project

In 2025 The Shona project hopes to impact the lives of almost 180,000 Irish girls through their workshops, talks, summer schools and their very own SHINE festival. Our Community (of Shona champions) keeps rapidly growing and we would love you to be a part of it.

Reach To Date:

  • 30,000 girls through workshops.
    60,000 through our annual SHINE event.
    125,000 with our Survival handbook for girls
    300,000 per month through our website and social media.


What are people saying?

“A few weeks ago, I was going through such a hard time with my mental health and was feeling really unmotivated. My counsellor gave me your survival handbook and I have read every page of it. It made me feel a lot better and I related to everything in that book. So from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.“ – Student Testimonial 

“The topics of the talks were very inspirational and moving. I had goosebumps listening to such strong and powerful women who were speaking about their lives in such an inspirational manner. ”-Teacher Testimonial


We also welcome enquiries from businesses who would like to sponsor a workshop, event or project in their area.

For further information, please email [email protected]

Supported By

Our Pro bono Partners

The Shona Project is a company limited by guarantee. Registered charity number: 20206722. Company registration number: 592520.