

Yeah, it’s kind of an obvious one. But who doesn’t love Lena Dunham? Lena’s alter ego Hannah Horvath is so narcissistic, self-obsessed and precious that it’s hard to separate her from Lena Dunham herself. But this just goes to show how amazing  a writer, actress and director she is.

Lena Quote.jpg

Here she talks about her size and how she doesn’t give a flying fiddlers what you think:

Lena’s book is a must read for every girl. She talks about everything we struggle with; weight, love, career and  being happy in your own skin, which must surely be all of our goals, because when that happens, every other happiness will surely follow, right?

What I love most about Lena is that her TV show ‘Girls’ and her book, ‘Not that kind of girl’ show us what real life relationships are like. Friends fancy friends boyfriends, parents are imperfect and sometimes need to lean on their kids a little, and above all finding prince charming and expecting him to be your saviour is unrealistic. You need to be your own person and find your own path before you can find someone to walk with you.

You can read her really lovely story of her first love here.

I mean isn’t she just all of us?

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