
On Saturday last, Life Coach and Author, Sarah Doyle spent the day delivering her Empowered Women workshop to a packed room of women. Just afterwards, she launched her beautiful new book “Be Your Own Best Friend“.

Its hard to believe that for ten years, Sarah struggled with a hidden eating disorder, and that she has not only learned to love herself, but now helps so many others to do the same. Watch her share her amazing story here…

Many of us girls and women struggle to appreciate our bodies and to be grateful that we can use it as a vehicle to achieve our dreams. So many of us waste so much time stressing about our love handles, our cellulite, or our double chins. We don’t spend enough time marvelling at the fact that our body constantly heals itself from all that we put it through, that it allows us to express ourselves in so many ways, and to hopefully some way, create our own family.

Last week we met up and she took The Shona Pledge with pride..

If you struggle with any of these issues, let Sarah become part of your Social Media feed, she really makes the world a better place. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or watch her videos on Youtube.

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