
There are so many amazing organisations across Ireland that support diversity in all its forms, and one of those amazing organisations is Neurodiversity Ireland.  They believe that the world is made up of two types of brains, neurotypical and neurodivergent, creating a neurodiverse environment. At Shona, we love to celebrate and embrace our differences, which benefits all of us.

Neurodiversity Ireland have just launched an amazing initiative to recognise principals, teachers, resource teachers, and SNA’s who champion and support a truly diverse learning culture. They are inviting us all to nominate our champions for the Inclusive Educator Awards which will take place at a beautiful event on October 8th.

The awards are all part of their “LETMEBEME” back-to-school campaign, which invites us to use the hashtag to share our thoughts on social media.

The awards categories are

  • Principal/ Vice Principal/ Year Head creating a truly inclusive environment by virtue of their school’s ethos and culture
  • Best Teacher contribution to promoting “LETMEBEME” learning including resource teachers
  • Best SNA contribution to supporting “LETMEBEME” learning
Nominations are open now until the end of September and can be made here.
Find out more here.

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The Shona Project is a company limited by guarantee. Registered charity number: 20206722. Company registration number: 592520.