
In July, Katie McGloin turned 18. She is now an adult, and can start being responsible, making plans and building her career.

Expect Katie started all of that a long time ago. She didn’t wait until she could legally vote to think about how she could change the world, she has been blazing her own trail for some time.

In her 18th year, Katie:

  • met Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as a representative of The Shona Project
  • was announced “Teen Entrepreneur of The Year”
  • continued to grow her own gender neutral clothing line,
  • worked with Minister Katherine Zappone,
  • and, finally,  nailed a TedX talk in her home town of Ballybofey in Co Donegal.

Katie makes it look easy, but the truth is, she doesn’t have it any easier than the rest of us. She is quiet, measured and a little shy. Nobody has done her any major favours, we’re pretty sure she didn’t inherit a huge trust fund to invest. She has the same doubts as the rest of. She doesn’t know what the future holds for her.

What Katie has, is an amazing work ethic, and the drive to succeed because she believes in what she does. She asks for help when she needs it, she has a thirst for knowledge, and she surrounds herself with good people who believe in her, ignoring those who don’t.

Katie believes that nobody should feel defined by their gender, that its a spectrum, and we all should be comfortable wherever we sit on that spectrum. She believes that everyone should be 100% themselves, and that once they embrace that, they can truly shine.

But don’t just take it from us, watch her rock TedX for yourself

Katie, you are an amazing role model for young people. All your friends at Shona are so proud of you. xxx

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