
What’s it all about?

The Drugs.ie ‘Let’s Talk about Drugs’ National Youth Media Awards is an annual competition which encourages discussion of drug-related issues by inviting young people to produce a piece of original content relating to drug and/or alcohol use. Check out one of last years winning videos here…



How to enter

  1. Read the Tips on entering and Terms and conditions before you begin planning and working on an entry. These contain important information on the structure and submission of entries.
  2. Pick a theme. The 2018 themes are divided into two categories. The first category is for 12-14 and 14-17 year olds. The second theme is for 18-21 and 22-25 year olds (see the themes below).
  3. Conduct your research – see Tips on entering for research suggestions.
  4. Create a piece of original content, based on your chosen theme, in one of the following formats: (a) News article; (b) Video/animation; (c) Audio recording; (d) Poster design.
  5. Submit your entry along with a completed entry form. See the Enter the competition page for further details.

Age categories for entries are: 12-14; 15-17; 18-21; 21-25.

Entries will be accepted as a group project or an individual entry. Entrants can enter the competition as many times as they like by entering different formats on one or both themes OR by participating in a group project and submitting an individual entry.

Themes for 2018

The themes for 2018 are divided into two categories.

Themes for 12-14 and 15-17 age categories are:

  • Theme 1: Talk about – cannabis and the risks
  • Theme 2: Talk about – underage drinking and the risks

Themes for 18-21 and 21-25 age categories are:

  • Theme 1: Club drugs – what are the risks?
  • Theme 2: Performance and image enhancing drugs – what are the risks?

Deadlines & prizes

The deadline for entries is the 22nd of January 2018.
Each category winner will receive €250 One4all gift card. There will be an overall winner selected from the 12-17 and the 18-25 categories. Each overall winner will receive €1,000 One4all gift card.
Judging will take place in February 2018. It is anticipated that the awards ceremony will be held in April 2018 in Dublin.

Find out more on about the competition here.

You can get some more information on drugs here . http://www.drugs.ie/drugs_info/for_teens/


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