
God only knows where Bitch Falcon are at the moment, Toronto? London? This crowd are busy. One things for sure, where ever they are, you will hear them before you see them because this crew are LOUD! Lizzie Fitzpatrick (guitar & vocals), Naomi Macleod (bass), and Nigel Kenny (drums) don’t mess around when it comes to noise. Their latest video “Syncope” shows a group of bowzys misbehaving and tbh, we were more than a little intimidated. However, having chatted to the girls about touchy feely soul type stuff, we reckon they’re pussycats really. Keep an eye out for them at Longitude this summer. And hey, bring ear plugs.

Describe your teenage experience in 3 words..

Naomi Macleod (NM): Music, horses, art.

Lizzie Fitzpatrick (LF): Loner, creative, giddy

As a kid, what were your dreams? How have they worked out for you?

NM:I pretty much always wanted to be a musician. That and to work with animals. While I don’t work with animals, my love for them hasn’t faded for them in the slightest and I still have wonderful pets in my family. As for the music, I’m slowly but surely spending more and more of my time playing music and I plan on increasing that to a full-time basis, for sure.

LF: Yeah, I have achieved the start of my dreams. I’m so lame I still imagine myself performing to a big venue any time I listen to a song I love. I guess you have to visualise the future right?

Who were the greatest influences on you as a teenager?

NM: My mother was and still is my rock. Other than that, I developed near-obsessive interest with certain musicians and bands throughout my teen years, learnt as much as I possibly about them, their music and their lives, and undoubtedly was influenced by them in the creative path I chose to follow and in my outlook on life.

LF: David Bowie. I lived in a quiet area of Wexford and so with no other teenage pals to kick bottles around with, I locked myself in and painted his face. Every. Day. I was like Christina Ricci’s character from Fear and Loathing, the girl who was obsessed with Liza Minelli.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve ever overcome?

NM: I’m extremely self-critical and have struggled my whole life at accepting and embracing positive experiences, things as small as a compliment, or as big as romantic love. I’ve worked hard and gotten past what I believe is the bulk of the issue, but it took a long time!

LF: Writing lyrics. Very difficult to write good lyrics. I’ve always been more off a melody maker, and understood what makes good writing, but didn’t have much practice. Getting over the fear of writing lyrics is a good start

What’s the greatest lesson you’ve ever learned?

NM: Feeling toxic feelings, such as jealousy, resentment, bitterness, happens because it’s often easy to feel that way. Feeling healthy feelings such as respect, empathy and love, requires maturity, integrity and humility, but in doing so you will respect yourself and from others. Does that make sense…? I hope so.

LF:The Leaving Cert. Really is very important to your future. haha, no I think believing in your gut feeling. It sounds so hammy but it’s true; you can achieve whatever you want to do, just takes work.

What do you like most about yourself?

NM:I’m quite competitive – I enjoy a challenge, and don’t like to take on any project or idea without seeing it completely fulfilled.

LF: My character I am once on stage. It’s the first time in my life that I can be truly me. I love it so much that it has helped me with a lot of anxiety issues that I’ve bottled inside since a tot.

If you could invite 5 women, living or dead to dinner, who would it be?


Nai Palm – singer and guitarist in an incredible band called Hiatus Kaiyote. I find her art so inspiring.

Sylvia Plath – such an incredible poet, I can’t help but feel so curious as to the inner workings of her mind.

Patti Smith – total badass!

Carol Kaye – my bass playing idol. The most recorded bassist in history, and with good reason.

Clare Balding – she writes so eloquently about her life and her undying love for and connection with animals; I’d love to pick her brains about that.


Annie Clark (St Vincent) _ I’ve dubbed her my ‘big sis’ of music.

Laurie Anderson – musician, artist, story teller

Karin Dreijer Anderson – From ‘The Knife’, one of my all time favourite bands

Roisin Murphy – Disco qween who is probably a serious buzzer

Eleanor Roosevelt – I’ve just been reading her heartbreaking letters to her forbidden lover, while she was the first lady. She can have a plus one and bring her along

 Who is your go to female when you need a shoulder to cry on and why?

NM:One of my best friends, who is also a former housemate. She is one of very few people in my life who I can be totally vulnerable and open around, and not feel in any way judged, no matter how shallow or deep the issue on the table is. I hope that I give her the same depth of confidence in return, as it is something very special that I am constantly grateful for.

LF: My girlfriend, as she loves me more than I love myself, and that’s a lot!

What do you love most about being a girl?

NM: I feel quite empowered by the very nature of being a woman. To be honest, I don’t really listen to any gender-based remarks that have come my way throughout my life – I bat them off, my feminine energy is a gift for life and one that belongs to me and me only.

LF: When you meet another badass woman who shines a light so bright to illuminate your own path, rather than push you away into the dark. Having a strong group of women around me helps mould me into the woman I am and there I nothing like the power of a likeminded sister.

If you could say anything to your 15 year old self, what would it be?

NM: Be really kind to everyone and everything around you. No matter how bad you think things are, they’re probably not that bad, and the least you can project outward is kindness. It’s not that hard.

LF: That initial feeling of confidence in yourself before you get thrown off path by anxiety is the truth. You know you got this. Keep it up.




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