
Dear Steph,

I have something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I have something that I’ve been keeping from my parents since a couple of weeks into quarantine and it’s getting worse. I would like to tell them but I have a hard time trusting people and I’m scared of what they’ll say to me, do you have any advice? I’m 15 btw.


Hi there! 

Sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with something on your own for so long, that’s not easy.

You have a few options. 

  1. Talk to your parents – although you’re unsure about trusting them, if it’s something serious, they really should know. You can tell them first how scared you are and that all you need from them is their support, and to hear you out. 
  2. If your parents really aren’t an option for you right now, that’s ok. Are there any friends, family members, or neighbours you would trust enough to tell? 
  3. If that’s not an option, would you feel comfortable sharing with your GP or someone in your local community centre? 
  4. If none of those are options for you which they might not be and that’s ok, I am a qualified counsellor so we could set up a zoom call or phone call if you would like to talk things out with me. But, because you’re under 18, I’ would need your parents’ consent first to begin our sessions.


Let me know what suits you and we can go from there. I hope things get better for you soon.

Take care for now,


For more information on Steph, or how to ask for advice, click here…

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