
Making friends can be hard, especially making friends in a big school packed full of strangers. You might think you are sticking out like a sore thumb because you are shy and don’t really know how to approach people. Maybe you’ve moved on from your last friend group as you’ve simply grown apart, or maybe you are just the social butterfly in the class and you just like meeting new people. Working up the courage to chat to someone new is always so brave! 

So, we wanted to try to make things a little easier for you! Here are 6 essential hints for making new friends that a) are not cringy and awkward and b) actually work….

Don’t pre-judge anyone


If we were all the same the world would be a very boring place. You do not need 10 mirror images of yourself to get by in life. You need the quiet listener, the outgoing one, the one who makes you laugh, and the one who will tell you when you’re being a major douchebag. Give everyone a chance, they don’t have to be besties, but it doesn’t hurt to find common ground with everyone you meet.

If your best friend from primary is in your class, and you have lunch together, make an effort to find someone who is alone, and invite them to join you. They will forever remember your kindness. Bingo!

Ask questions and give compliments


A universal truth: People like to talk about themselves. If you can’t think of a conversation starter, tell a girl that you like her watch/schoolbag/ shoes and ask her where she got it. Questions are key, because you’re inviting the other person to say something about themselves, and hopefully, they’ll ask you a question back. Bingo!

Get Extra Extra-Curricular


Woody Allen (old director dude) said that 80% of success in life is due to just showing up. This applies to friendship too. Just show up. Get involved in groups and teams in your school if you can, sports, singing, student union, volunteering, there’s an option for you. And even if not, try at least one thing you’ve never done before. New hobbies are good for you, and you meet new, like-minded people. Bingo!

Watch your body language


Sometimes, when we’re nervous, we close ourselves off from other people and appear a little moody. We wear our worries on our faces. Open your heart, breathe, relax and smile 😊. Someone will smile back. Bingo!

Remember: EVERYONE is nervous


If you do find yourself alone, it may seem like everyone else knows each other and has someone to sit with, but everyone is open to making new friends. Be brave, approach someone and ask if you can sit with them. It takes truckloads of bravery, but then it’s done, and you’re no longer alone. Bingo!

Not everyone will be your friend, and thats okay


Sometimes people just don’t get each other. It’s not personal, so don’t make it personal. Don’t try to force people to like you, and don’t turn on them if they don’t. You’re wasting the energy you could be putting into genuine friendships. Move along sister. Bingo!

Above all else, be yourself. You are fabulousness personified xxx


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