The word “Crazy” has been used to undermine and discredit women since the dawn of time. “She’s nuts, a psycho, way too emotional”.
We’ve all heard it, but we’re too quick to believe it. In fact, it says way more about the person who said it than the person they’re referring to, and it’s a massive red flag in a relationship.
Natalie Portman gives a step by step guide on how to help women. Step 5: “Gossip well. Stop the rhetoric that a woman is crazy or difficult. If a man says to you that a woman is crazy or difficult, ask him: what bad thing did you do to her?” #PowerOfWomen
— Variety (@Variety) October 12, 2018
Yes, we’re all capable of making mistakes, we’re not perfect, and we can have some toxic habits. Let’s own that. But, when someone repeatedly refers to another person as “crazy” it shows a complete lack of understanding, compassion, empathy, or willingness to look at their own behaviour. A more mature way to reflect on it would be “It didn’t work out, but she was going through a lot, and needed to focus on herself,” or “Yeah we broke up, but I still respect her as a person and want her to be happy.”
— 𝑀𝒪𝑅𝑅𝐼𝒢𝒜𝒩 𝒮𝐸𝐿𝐸𝒩𝐸 $5 POCKET✨ (@SalemsSappho) December 11, 2017
Here’s what the use of the word “crazy” tells you…
- They accept no responsibility for how the relationship ended.
- They lack maturity.
- They are insensitive to people with mental health issues.
- The ex may have been seriously mistreated and acted out of insecurity or pain
- They are trying to make themselves look good (and it’s a weak attempt)
- It’s a sign that there might be drama on the way for you
- They want to discredit the exes version of events, on the off chance she tries to warn others.