
We all love to believe we can predict and control everything about the future. Honestly, who doesn’t want to know exactly what’s coming up next, right? But here’s the deal: life would be so boring if we had everything figured out. Predictability sounds comfy, but growth? Adventure? That happens when you step outside your comfort zone and take a risk.

So, let’s chat about what’s in our control and what’s just… not. Next time things go sideways, remind yourself that it’s usually out of your hands—and when you crush it, you know it’s all you. Take that credit, queen. 👑

Things I Can’t Control

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  1. What Happened Yesterday
    Whether yesterday was a glow-up or a total trainwreck, it’s over. Done. Move on, because today is a fresh chance to show up, do your thing, and slay.
  2. The Weather
    You know we live in Ireland, so rain and wind are basically our thing. You can’t change the forecast, but you can decide if you’re gonna let it rain on your parade. (Spoiler: Don’t.)
  3. Other People’s Opinions of You
    Newsflash: You can’t control how people see you. Some people might get you, others won’t—and that’s fine. What does matter? How you see yourself. You’re amazing and that’s the only opinion that counts. Period.
  4. My Past Choices
    Yep, you’ve messed up. So have we all. It’s called life. What you can control is how you bounce back, use those lessons, and keep moving forward. Don’t dwell on past mistakes—learn from them and show up stronger.
  5. Time
    Time’s always ticking, and you can’t pause it. But you can make the most of every second you’ve got. Make today count.

Things I Can Control

All i can control is what's in my control

  1. My Boundaries
    No one knows you better than you. So, don’t let anyone walk all over you. Stand up for what feels right, and don’t be afraid to say no. Your energy is precious, protect it.
  2. Unplugging
    We live on our phones, but that doesn’t mean we have to be on 24/7. Take a break, disconnect, and enjoy some ‘you time’. You’re allowed to switch off—no explanation needed.
  3. My Opinions
    Be kind, be informed, but always be you. Own your opinions—don’t let anyone else dictate your truth. It’s your perspective, and it’s valuable.
  4. Forgiving Myself
    Making mistakes is a part of life. Holding onto guilt? That’s optional. Forgiving yourself is where the magic happens. Let it go, learn from it, and move on with that fresh, clear energy.
  5. Voicing What I Need
    Got a need? Say it! Whether it’s some space, help with something, or just a snack (because who can function without snacks?), speak up. You’ve got control over your voice, so use it.

There’s a ton in life we just can’t control—and that’s okay. What we can control, though? That’s where we shine. Focus on your boundaries, your needs, and what makes you feel good. Let go of what doesn’t serve you, and embrace the power of being in control of the things that truly matter. ✨

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