

Last month we visited Marino College in Dublin and talked to the girls about their relationships with each other, and about how important it is to have an open heart, a positive mindset, and steely determination no matter what life throws at you.

Marino were the first school to take part in the Safe Halls Challenge, in which they put memes, pictures or posters up in the halls to make sure that everyone feels safe when in school.

Below is an email we got from the teacher, Ms Lennon, last night and some pictures she sent us of their amazing artwork.

We had the most lovely follow up session today, the girls really spoke highly of how much they enjoyed and connected with the workshop with you. They felt so proud of the wall they created today and a few even said they were going to show their folks tonight at parent teacher meetings.
Thank you so much Tammy, I hope you realise the deep and meaningful impact you have had

Cant wait to have you back with us!

From Kate

Well done girls, these are amazing!








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