How To Nail Your CAO Application

CAO. Never have 3 letters made us quake in our boots, quite the way that those 3 do. Why is it that for some of the most important things in life, we are expected to just know how to do it and then when we don’t,  we’re left to figure it out ourselves? Like hello?

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You’ve Got This! Managing Exam Anxiety & Working with Confidence

Here at The Shona Project, we work to empower the new generation of young people. We understand that growing up in Ireland in 2024 can be very challenging. We also understand that being parents, guardians or just someone with a teen in their life can also be challenging. A main stressor for our young people is

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Why Asking For Help Changed My Life

The year my parents separated was the year my whole world completely crashed and to say my mental health suffered was an understatement. I went from being a severely athletic young girl who loved her body and everything that she was to a complete hermit who hated any sort of interaction with the world and

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Anxious About Heading Off To College? Here’s How To Cope!

While heading off to college is super exciting, it can be totally nerve-wracking. In many cases, it may be the first time you live outside of your family home and leaving things that have been familiar for so many years. You might be moving on campus, getting a house-share or living in digs. Whatever your

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Grieving The Little Things – By Catherine

A lovely lady from our SHONA Community submitted this post in the hopes it would help anyone who is experiencing loss. Grief is a very difficult thing to understand or articulate and we felt that this reader told her story beautifully. Please read to the end for more advice… I have a box of Ikea

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