While heading off to college is super exciting, it can be totally nerve-wracking. In many cases, it may be the first time you live outside of your family home and leaving things that have been familiar for so many years. You might be moving on campus, getting a house-share or living in digs. Whatever your
Conversations…… uuuurgh. When it comes to actually talking to other humans in real life, most of us would rather stick needles in our eyeballs. But having decent chat game is a really important skill for getting ahead in life. Being able to really engage with others is vital when it comes to getting jobs, (and
We’re all just out here trying to be our best selves, figuring it all out, searching for answers; What do I want to do? What course should I apply for? What nice things do I want? Well. We’ve been thinking a LOT about how we approach life’s big questions and here’s what we’ve come up