
miss eaves thunder thighs

Its getting hot out there, which means its around that time when those of us with an inch to pinch usually feel obliged to cover up our jiggly bits and sweat rather than offend anyone with our wobbles.

Well no more. Miss Eaves has released a song called “Thunder Thighs” in which she says we need to embrace the “chub rub”, wear what we want, when we want, as the thigh gap phenomenon is like, so over.

She says, “This track is really about me embracing my body but also finding the humour in issues thicker people face. I’m not sure if young girls are about that body positive life, but it is so important from a young age they see a variety of bodies being celebrated and people living happy and genuine lives.”

Apart from the fact that this song has a really powerful and inspiring message, its also really, really catchy. Stick your headphones on and turn it up and go strut your stuff.

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