Its so hard to be supportive to a friend who is struggling. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we put our big old foot in our bigger old mouths. Its so easy to roll out the same old clichés time and time again. Telling someone who is having a dark day to just “Be Positive” is not helpful, and if anything, makes them feel worse.
Whitney wrote: “I’ve realized people HATE the word toxic. I hear ya’ll. Got a lot of comments on “never give up.” Decided to keep it. There are relationships, life goals, plans and situations that is OK to give up on. Not everything needs to result in completion. Sometimes it is safer to give up. We owe each other the space to discuss the options,” and asked her followers, “What are some other positive sayings that you think are totally dismissive?”
We’ve put her posts into some helpful infograpics, but check out her Instagram page for more of this wisdom…