
Do you want to change the world? Are you aged between 16-25? Then you will definitely want in on Footsteps Global gathering of Young Women, an event created by our friends at Aspire for Equality.

This is an event for young women who want to make a difference in the world and have an interest in all the important topics such as Climate Crisis, Racial Injustice, Healthcare, Violence Against Women, Modern Slavery, Homelessness, Mental Health, LGBTQ Rights, Gender Pay Gap, and more.

All speakers are under the age of 25. And we’re so proud to tell you that TWO of our amazing ambassadors Skye Turner and Destiny Ayo Vaughan are speaking too!

Heres the details…..

Dates: Tuesday, April 6th (4 pm – 9 pm UK), 2021  OR Wednesday, April 7th (1 pm – 6 pm UK), 2021.
Find out more and speaker line up: HERE
(same speakers on April 6th and 7th).
Online via Zoom. All recorded for flexibility in attendance and if the dates and times don’t work. Contact Aspire directly to find out about our safeguarding policy for attendees under 18 years old.

While you’re here, have a look at this fab trailer…

And the good news keeps on coming! Footsteps Global Gathering of Young Women has worked to make this event as accessible as possible and are very kindly made a large volume of complimentary/no-cost places available!

Their complimentary places are for:

-Individuals who would like to send their daughters, nieces, granddaughters, or young employees but for whatever reason, do not currently have the funds.
-Charities around the world that work with women and girls and who would like to send their employees, volunteers or the young women they work with directly.
-Schools or colleges that would like to send a group to attend but do not have the budget to do so right now.
-Clubs or associations for young women and girls who would like to nominate attendees.
-Young women 16 – 25 years old who don’t have the funds to attend.
-Parents, educators, and individuals over 25 years old who have an interest/passion in the education and empowerment of young women.

So, to get yourself a place, this is what you’ve gotta do:

  • Email Maia at [email protected] , by 5pm on Monday, 29th March
  • Please give your name, date of choice (6th or 7th of April) age if under 18, parent/guardian email if under 18, school/college/company if applicable, and country of residence!


Their event will focus on the following areas:

▪ Changemaker: Human and environmental rights and becoming a force for the good in your community and world.
▪ Purpose: Ignite your life’s mission by uncovering your passions and your unique path.
▪ Global Networking: 
Meet, learn from and create networks with like minded peers from around the world.
▪ Empowerment:
 Increase confidence, positive self-image, voice, and ways to speak up for self and others.
Resilience:Face fears, be courageous and recognise and address peer pressure, bullies and bias.
Wellbeing: Mental health, juggling it all, managing time, happiness and balance.
Innovation: Embrace new ideas, value differing opinions and allow others to freely express their views.
Global Citizenship: Gain diverse perspectives that inform different cultures.
Leadership: Become a principled and socially conscious leader of the future.

If you would prefer to pay for places, you can of course do so for April 6th HERE OR April 7th HERE (£65 plus VAT per person and early bird ends this week).


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