
Routines That are Damaging Your Brain

Routines may be boring at times, but for some of us, they help us to plan and stop us from stressing too much about how our day is going to pan out. Also, our brains have, quite frankly, enough to be dealing with. All of those routines become habits, and some are good, but some are bad. The bad habits become part of our daily lives, and we don’t ever question what they are doing to our health, and in particular our brain, AKA, command central.

Here are a few habits that you might want to think about cutting back on, or even cutting out altogether:

Number one: Skipping Breakfast

Routines Breakfast GIF


People who don’t eat breakfast in the morning have lower blood sugar levels. This means that your brain could be underperforming in terms of thinking, remembering and processing. Eat something.

Number two: Overreacting

Routine- overreacting

Losing the rag fills your brain with chemicals and stops you from thinking rationally. Cool your jets there just a little and it’ll all work out.

Number three: Smoking

Bad Habit- Smoking

Smoking and vaping shrink your brain and lead to horrible things, including Alzheimer’s. Also, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it makes you stink. Bad.

Number Four: Eating Too Much Sugar

Routine- Too much sugar

It might taste like heaven, but it’s the devil in disguise. It interferes with the absorption of protein and nutrients which are essential for healthy brain development.

Number Five: Pollution

Routine- Too much pollution

The brain consumes more oxygen than any other part of the body. Polluted air stops enough oxygen from reaching the brain. Off out in the fresh air with you.

Number six: Sleep Deprivation

Habit- Sleep Deprevation

Sleep is like plugging your brain in to charge for the night. Your brain needs time to wind down at night before you go to bed, to make sure your sleep is deeper, better and more effective. Yep, we’re gonna say it, put the phone away at night, in another room, far far away.

Number Seven: Overwork

routines- at the office

Forcing your brain to work when it is tired or sick can lead to it going on strike. You would too if your employer refused to give you a beak. Have a nap, it’s the right thing to do.

Number Eight: Underwork

Movie gif. A closeup of a sleepy Boo from Monsters Inc blinking at us.

A lack of stimulation is almost as bad for your brain as too much. It stops you from forming neural pathways, (which are important, according to science). Do a crossword.

So c’mon ladies let’s get our routines sorted out!

Source: The World Health Organization


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